Panther chameleon layed eggs 2 weeks after breeding. I’d this normal or early?


New Member
Good morning! I am new to the forum and chameleon family. I have a 13/14 month panther chameleon. My girl layed her eggs yesterday about a week before expected time.(exactly at 16 days after breeding). Has anyone had their girl lay eggs before time? Could she had been gravid before the male introduction? This is my first time breeding and working with a breeder whom had been breeding for years. I am a bit confused of the timing. Took her to the vet last thursday due to her lack of eating. Her eating rapidly diminished to eating nothing at all right after breeding her (Aug. 25). She never refused food and was healthy. Which worried me therefore took her to the vet. Also, right after breeding she began to have a clicking/ popping sound and slight congestive breathing but, no other symptoms of uri (opening of mouth, mucus) Took a fecal to the vet they did bloodwork and gave her a vitamin/calcium shot, and tube feeding. Her fecal was negative for parasites and haven’t heard from vet about bloodwork. They put her on baytril for 10 days for the uri symptoms. The vet swore it would hurt her or eggs to do so. I was a bit worried about that but, at the end of the day I wanted her to be well and strong even if she lost those eggs. Regardless we were in a tough pickle and stressing out about all possible outcomes. I hope she began to eat again after the calcium/vitamin shot. She still refused to eat and would spit out worms I tried putting in her mouth when she open it. I was desperate to help her eat. She acted normal just didn’t eat and slight sunken eyes. I medicated her daily as instructed and tube fed her with meds Friday and Saturday. Sunday morning she was crawling to he bottom and climbing which alerted me. I thought it was too early but, prepared her laying bin (Sunday) Yesterday she surprised us with her digging all day and layed her eggs. She seems to be recovering well but, no eating yet which is normal apparently. She’s well hydrated in my opinion and her sunken eyes she was initially began to have before she layed yesterday seem to have dissipated. She looks back to her normal self which I am so happy for. Long story short the eggs look good she looks good, her refusing to eat since last week seems to be normal behavior before laying. Still hear a bit of congestion but, no more clicking sound. I feel bad putting her through the stress taking her to the vet and them drawing blood, and injecting her and me force feeding her but, I didn’t think it was normal and got worried. Just don’t know if 17 days was normal development or perhaps the medication (baytril) induced early laying or perhaps was gravid before the breeding. She did not refuse breeding whatsoever. Anyone have input or experience with what I am going through? It will give me a bit of peace of mind. I have done so much research and can’t seem to find much on early laying. Thanks so much! And hope this can can help document or help someone else in the future whom would could be going through the same situation.
I don’t think you could call this early laying. You said her eggs appear healthy and fully formed, that tells me they were likely full term. Give us some pics.

Mating does not trigger her to start producing eggs so I doubt it would have much of an effect on her lay date. Chams will produce eggs regaurdless if they have mated or not. She was most likely well into her developing her eggs by the time the male came along.

I’m sure other breeders will chime in shorty with their experiences as well, welcome to the forum.
She probably mated late in her cycle and it’s possiable not all of the eggs will be fertile. I’m glad she is doing better now.
I don’t think you could call this early laying. You said her eggs appear healthy and fully formed, that tells me they were likely full term. Give us some pics.

Mating does not trigger her to start producing eggs so I doubt it would have much of an effect on her lay date. Chams will produce eggs regaurdless if they have mated or not. She was most likely well into her developing her eggs by the time the male came along.

I’m sure other breeders will chime in shorty with their experiences as well, welcome to the forum.

That’s what I was thinking too. Just wasn’t sure if she would have refused the male if she was already gravid. The breeder felt for eggs and didn’t feel anything and we weight her. I can’t recall how much she weigh but we both agreed she was a good weight ( I looked it up) a couple days before the vet visit she was 68g and now after the eggs 47g. Is it possible that part of these eggs are fertile or most likely none? I’m guessing if she were to have a new batch in a few weeks those may be fertile?


The first picture was before breeding. Second one after breeding a week later to be exact and then the last 2 from this morning and the eggs. Can’t really tell from the pic but she had slight sunken eyes. And I know they can go down hill quickly. Also have a Jackson’s in an outdoor enclosure whom also stoped eating and had parasites so I took both in to the vet. Didn’t want to risk it.
She probably mated late in her cycle and it’s possiable not all of the eggs will be fertile. I’m glad she is doing better now.
Ok great! I hope some are fertile. She did such a good job I was so scared for her and knowing she had uri and still pulled through like a champ. I guess we aren’t out of the water yet but, I was thinking of the worst.
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