Panther chameleon laying eggs (HD quality 1080p)


New Member
I have made a little movie aboute my female panther laying eggs over 4 days.
It was together 3 hours of raw material that i have edited down to 1 hour, and again time compressed down to aboute 10 minutes, since our friends not are the fastest creature on earth usually.
I've put on some more music beats for you guys that are digging the music on my last video.
It's amazing to think about how slow they normaly move. This video is speeded up by 16 times normal speed :)
Cool, well edited, liked on youtube. Thanks for posting mate :):cool:
Could this video really been used to show others what to expect when your female is going to lay eggs?
I always feel bad about the amount of effort those poor girls go through to bury their eggs when we just dig them up anyway :p
The real reason for me to uploade these videos is because the music is making them so much better :) No educational values what so ever :D
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