Panther Chameleon Not Eating!


New Member
So I have female panther chameleon. She is a blue bar ambilobe. Anyways I recently got her and I was told she had not eaten on her own, since she was in there care. They told me she was very sickly when they recived her and they where force feeding her "3 crickets" a day. They also told me she had laid a clutch in janurary or feburary. I have suspicions she may be gravid however I am not sure.... when I got her she looked gravid so I put a laying bin in with her. however she had also notreleased stool in days. I then started feeding her 7 crickets a day, and after a few days she released stool and she went alot. Right afterwards she didn't look gravid anymore, so maybe she just had blockage of somesort?

Well she is still not eating on her own. She appears to "hunt" a little but quickly gives up. So I have still been force feeding her. I will force feed her 7 crickets every two days then skip one day. She had started looking a lot more healthy. She is a lot pinker and her eyes are no longer sunken in however she will be standing on a branch and randomly fall over. So she is not really stable?

When I got her she was almost completly black and had sunken in eyes. Now she looks 100% healthy however she is still on eating on her own and has problems getting around. Like I said she will fall off branches or fall and dangle upside down. She is 1.5 years old and they said the had her for a year. Any advise to get her eating on her own or what might be wrong with her? Thanks
some pics would be good if you could post some there could be a possiblity shes got mbd if she keeps falling over
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