Panther colors


New Member I keep seeing all these great photos of brilliant colored panthers. My guy should be full of red/orange and blue. But, he never shows those colors. How do you get them to show off their coloration? When he sleeps, his colors brighten up...but during the day he is just green mainly.

There are a few ways to do this, and usually it is at least a little stressful (except showing them to a female or using natural sunlight.) I would consider it a good thing that your animal is comfortable enough that it stays a very calm color. If you do want to try to get him to fire up, natural sunlight, showing him his reflection, showing him another male, or (sometimes) showing him something very bright/colorful (flowers, chameleon toys, brightly colored clothes, etc.) will often work. Some will also seem to get very upset at seemingly random things (one of mine would only fire up when he saw my guinea pigs.) Keep in mind that any of these things, save showing him a female or using natural sunlight, should all be very brief experiences.
As for his age, he is about 8 months old. So those bright reds we see are them getting mad? Ahhh....I thought those were the natural colors. Well he never gets mad apparently then. :) I have tried showing him his reflection, but he is not interested. Guess I'll leave well enough alone then.
Even when I put him outside, I never see the reds...just his blue/green colors.

Some show red all the time, but a lot don't. He might develop more reds as he ages though. A lot of ambis will show at least a little red on their tummies, legs, and tails when resting, but not all of them.
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