Panther food schedule


Hello everyone. Just got an 11 month old Panther, and I see people have set variety schedules for feeding. Any advice? I have been offering crickets that I gut load and superworms. New to Chameleons and looking for tips and advice.

Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone. Just got an 11 month old Panther, and I see people have set variety schedules for feeding. Any advice? I have been offering crickets that I gut load and superworms. New to Chameleons and looking for tips and advice.

Thanks in advance!
Hello and good luck with your new chameleon :) I feed my chameleons 4x a week with 3 of those 4 days consisting of there staple diet dubia roaches. And on the 4th day I give them a variety of crickets,supers,hornworms,etc. So basically Mon,Wed,Fri I feed roaches and Sunday I feed crickets/worms.
Hello and good luck with your new chameleon :) I feed my chameleons 4x a week with 3 of those 4 days consisting of there staple diet dubia roaches. And on the 4th day I give them a variety of crickets,supers,hornworms,etc. So basically Mon,Wed,Fri I feed roaches and Sunday I feed crickets/worms.
With my Cham roughly 11 months old (i was told) what size dubias? Are they much better nutritionally? How many would I offer at a time? Can I put some in and leave them in all day while i am at work?
With my Cham roughly 11 months old (i was told) what size dubias? Are they much better nutritionally? How many would I offer at a time? Can I put some in and leave them in all day while i am at work?
I would need a picture of your chameleon to see what size is best but I usually offer medium to large nymphs. Yes they are much nutritional and I offer 4-6 at a time. And your last question, yes you can leave some inside but inside a feeder dish because sometimes when let around the enclosure they will usually hide and not move. I have yet to hear of an incident of a roach chewing on a chameleon like a cricket would but better to be safe yo leave them in a dish
I would need a picture of your chameleon to see what size is best but I usually offer medium to large nymphs. Yes they are much nutritional and I offer 4-6 at a time. And your last question, yes you can leave some inside but inside a feeder dish because sometimes when let around the enclosure they will usually hide and not move. I have yet to hear of an incident of a roach chewing on a chameleon like a cricket would but better to be safe yo leave them in a dish
Can you look at my pics in my album. Im at work and they are on my cpu at home.
Can you look at my pics in my album. Im at work and they are on my cpu at home.
He looks old enouggt to eat large roaches. I would offer large(not adult) but just to be sure check the width between his eyes and see if he is big enoight tot take down large
He looks old enouggt to eat large roaches. I would offer large(not adult) but just to be sure check the width between his eyes and see if he is big enoight tot take down large
So look at the width between the eyes and compare that to the width of the dubias?
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