Panther not eating as normal


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Male Sambava panther chameleon, just over a year old and been in my care from about 3 months
Handling - Handle only about once a week to move for cleaning etc.
Feeding - I currently feed locusts, crickes, supers, wax worms and sometimes roaches. he gets fed every other day with about 3 adult locusts and a few worms. I gut load all my feeders with fresh fruit and veg.
Supplements - Use zoomed pure calcium all feedings during the week. Calcium with d3 twice a month and a multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - Misting system runs for 2 mins 5 times a day. He does drink often.
Fecal Description - Normal droppings with white urates. Goes every few days. Has nt been tested for parasites.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Reptibreeze extra large (2x2x4)
Lighting - 10.0 Reptiglow uv tube. Replaced every six months. outside of cage. Normal 100 watt household bulb for heat.
Temperature - Basking temp is aroung 85-90f and lowest temp is around 70. Cage drops to high sixties over night. i measure this with digital thermometers.
Humidity - Humidity levels are about 70% once misting has occured. I measure this with a digital hydrometer.
Plants - Mainly plastic but do have an umbrella plant in the cage.
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom abut 2 feet off the ground with the top of the cage about 6 feet off the ground.
Location - UK

Current Problem - Chameleon has not been eating his locuts recently he only seems to be interested in worms. This has gone on for just over a week now.
your husbandry looks great. very good job!

what type of multivitamin?

now, with his appetite problems. from experience im going to say it is starting with super worms. I choose to keep this particular bug out of my regiment. They are to be used as a snack ONLY. meaning, only using them a few times a week and using only a few at the end of feeding. People here think you have to have a diversified feeding regiment with many times this particular bug being apart of it. You have other healthier options to use. This bug causes more problem for keepers than i can shake a stick at.. For it to be put on the "safe" to feed list is beyond me. I learned the hard way and wont go back.

Hold your ground with more nutritional feeders (cricket, roaches, locust) being offered without worms. If you choose to continue super worms and meal worms in his diet. i suggest you looking into sandrachameleons blogs for gut loading options. it is a necessity for the use of these bugs.
Thanks for the advice. he gets reptivite multivitamin from zoomed. He doesnt get superworms alot but that is one of the only things he has been eating the last few days so I will try and use them less!
Hi Brad, My Oldest Panther has done this a few times before,I just took the food away for about 4 days, And then gave him some feeders but not too many, I am not sure why they do this,I noticed that they sometimes go though stages of not being very active and eating less
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