Panther not eating


New Member
I bought a female panther a month ago. She was two months old. When I got her she seemed fine and ate everytime I gave her crickets.
About 16 days ago she stopped eating.
I've tried Silkworms, Mealworms, Cockroaches and crickets. She just looks at the food. I really dont know what else to do?
I've tried hand feeding, freerange and keeping about 8 small crickets in a plastic bowl for her to see and eat.
She does still drink water.
I put her outside at least 4times a week for sun.
I honestly dont know what else to do to make her eat?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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If those are recent pictures she looks fine. I would try something that fly's moth or small butterfly. Quick movement of an insect sometimes does the trick. Also I would let the insects free range in her cage she might not like eating when your watching I had chameleons do that to me.
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If those are recent pictures she looks fine. I would try something that fly's moth or small butterfly. Quick movement of an insect sometimes does the trick.

I took those pictures 5min before I started the thread. The flying insect idea sounds good, but to find flying insects is not easy.
Get a butterfly net and go at it that's what I do when I have the time. Nothing like watching a full grown man chasing butterfly's I tried to get my kids to do it they just laugh at the Idea so I do it in the privacy of my backyard.
Get a butterfly net and go at it that's what I do when I have the time.

Turning dark now. I'll do that first thing in the morning. Can they eat any kind of butterfly and moth? It’s not going to be easy to find a very small one, but there is always time to save an animal’s life. I know for a fact that she hasn’t eaten anything these past two weeks, cause when I give her Crickets, I count them and so far there not declining in numbers.
Howdy Lleroy,

To cover all of the bases, you might as well post repsonses to: There could be something going on with a husbandry issue (supplements etc.) that might just be showing up now. Along with all of the details, post photos of her entire enclosure. The more photos the better :).

I'll take some more picture and post them soon. Really worried. I dont want to loose her. has housefly pupae for awesome prices and chams go bonkers for them. Just keep them in the fridge until you want some to hatch out.
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