Panther not moving

No never un eaten food from the dragons enclosure. But occasionally when making the dragins weekly salad we'll throw a handfull of w.e greens we got that week into the roach container. But I do make sure there are allways oats in there for them because I also soak the oats about once a week to get water in them. So I will need to do more research on the oats. I don't rly use tongs to feed either of them so that's not an issue either and the fact I have never once been able to handle the chamelon I don't think cross contamination is a factor here but somthing to definitely stay vigilant about.

thank you for taking some time to point out some things worth trying to improve. I'm going to try and block his view and mist longer. I did buy a cheap misting setup but never bothered actually installing it because the hand spraying was so easy but maybe that's another reason he doesn't like me so much, just about every time he sees me he gets all wet lol

These pictures are from tonight of the edema.
Hard fecal and orange urates mean dehydration. The orange in the urates is old crystalized urine whivh takes a bit to get that way. I definetly sughest you set up the misyer and have a place where it doesnt mist so he can get out of it. My boy hates getting hit when I hand mist. So i slowly with it on low and softest mist possible angle it near him and he lets me know if he wants it or not. if he is running from you, well he doesnt want it. also that basking bulb needs to stay on. He isnt going to get on the baskng branch unless heat is there. You may want to consider changing his hours from 8 to 8. I am sure you do this because of your schedule but it is really far off the suns schedule which may cause issues. Also with all.of those fish tanks does it ever get dark in there? They need darkness to sleep properly. You might want to consider hanging a dark sheet over the front at night. I am in agreement that he needs a fecal. Now with oats, i was feeding them to my crickets and was told it can cause constipation and also prevent the cricket from absorbing nutrients both maybe passed to the cham. You need to be consistent with the dripper also make sure its cleaned regularly and kept in the same place maybe running over leaves, so he kniws where to get water. I wish you the best of luck. I see the edema you are referring to and i think its time for a real reptile vet visit. use the resources here to find one.
Hard fecal and orange urates mean dehydration. The orange in the urates is old crystalized urine whivh takes a bit to get that way. I definetly sughest you set up the misyer and have a place where it doesnt mist so he can get out of it. My boy hates getting hit when I hand mist. So i slowly with it on low and softest mist possible angle it near him and he lets me know if he wants it or not. if he is running from you, well he doesnt want it. also that basking bulb needs to stay on. He isnt going to get on the baskng branch unless heat is there. You may want to consider changing his hours from 8 to 8. I am sure you do this because of your schedule but it is really far off the suns schedule which may cause issues. Also with all.of those fish tanks does it ever get dark in there? They need darkness to sleep properly. You might want to consider hanging a dark sheet over the front at night. I am in agreement that he needs a fecal. Now with oats, i was feeding them to my crickets and was told it can cause constipation and also prevent the cricket from absorbing nutrients both maybe passed to the cham. You need to be consistent with the dripper also make sure its cleaned regularly and kept in the same place maybe running over leaves, so he kniws where to get water. I wish you the best of luck. I see the edema you are referring to and i think its time for a real reptile vet visit. use the resources here to find one.
The room is blacked out to outside light and the fish tanks are on similar schedules so no issue with it being to light during lights out.
I will work on setting up the mister system I do have and continue calling the vet. They said to keep checking or make an emergency visit idk if the edema would constitute an emergency visit but I will try again.
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These pictures are from tonight of the edema.
Yeah you want to get him in with a vet and get blood work done. See if anything is out of wack. I am wondering if he has some sort of infection going on. Edema shows up when their system is out of balance. It is why we so commonly see it with incorrect fat soluble supplements. I have dealt with it when I was giving far too much bee pollen as well.
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