panther sexing question...


New Member
is there a way to be sure what sex your panther is at a young age? I know this is a stupid question, but I had a "female" blue bar sold to me, and it is now looking to either be a ridiculously high-colored female, or a male... "her" casque is blue, "her" chin is red, and "she" has blue & green coming in on the sides... I don't have a recent picture of her, as I just noticed this today when misting her. Any ideas?
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It much depends on the age, a sure fire way is the bulge at the base of the tail but this is not visable at an early age
is there a way to be sure what sex your panther is at a young age? I know this is a stupid question, but I had a "female" blue bar sold to me, and it is now looking to either be a ridiculously high-colored female, or a male... "her" casque is blue, "her" chin is red, and "she" has blue & green coming in on the sides... I don't have a recent picture of her, as I just noticed this today when misting her. Any ideas?

Sounds like you have a male...a friend of mine had that happen to him too, actually. He noticed one his Sambava females was EXTREMELY colorful after a shed. Turns out "she" was a "he" Who did you get him from? And how old?

Although some female panthers do display faint, almost pastel colors, but the colors generally aren't bold. Are her colors faint and pale or very bold?
It does sound like you may have a male, but I also have seen many very colorful females. One of the main things to look for in males is their hemipenal bulge at the base of only a male's tale. Here is a colorful female curtsy of Kent.



So after I wrote this, I decided to get some pics. The blues & greens didn't come out as vibrant, but the red really shows.
I will have to look back at my e-mail to remember who I bought "her" from. I got "her" back in October or November, as she was VERY cold when she arrived...

What do you think?:

I'm no expert, but that looks like a young male. How old is he/she?
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See, like I said, I'm no expert! :p
But I still think it may be a male.
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Yep that is a female...diego...thats bold because those haven't been in the states for a while and she looks to be cb. She looks to be Ambilobe if you ask me...but I am not going into the female locale debate. She looks good.

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