Parasite detection without fecal sample


Established Member
Hey I was wondering if there is any way for a vet to test the chameleon for parasites if you don't have a stool sample thank you all.
Not yet but a buddy of mine just got a chameleon and it hasn't been eating or drinking, I put in a post to see if anyone else had insight of what it could be and my guess is its a parasite but because it hasn't gone to the bathroom yet what can the vet do to test it even when he brings the chameleon there?
Your buddy's chameleon might just be adjusting to it's new home and may be to scared to eat. As for drinking I still have never seen my cham drink yet her urate is good
I don't know of any other way to test for parasites, unless they are parasites that are not in the intestines and are visible under the skin. Could you post a few pictures of the chameleon and the set up he is currently in?. As stated, if your friend just got him he may just be adjusting to a new environment. Sometimes they may not eat right away.
Ok Ill ask him to try to take some pictures, as for hydration is there anything the vet can give the chameleon if it is severely dehydrated as well? Do they give a supplement or drip to the animal.
Yes they can give them Subcutaneous fluid or called Sub Q which is injected directly into the skin. That would be in a very extreme case though.
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