Parasites via wax worms or meal worms?


Established Member
Is it possible for parasites to be transmitted via wax worms or meal worms?

I used some tweezers pulling waxies out of a container to feed to some critters that I have since come to discover are ill.

I do not want to transmit any diseases to my other critters. Is that possible. I ,of course, am not using the same tweezers to feed others.

Is it possible to gutload the mealworms/waxworms for a period of time that will ensure they are no longer carrying anything?

Thanks a lot everyone!
What symptoms do they have? Post photos please. Was there any sign of mold in with the waxworms? How long after eating them did they get sick?
They didn't get sick from the worms. They were rescues.

I just want to know if using the tweezers to feed them, then dig through the container holding the worms is enough to infect the worms. How long can I gutload to ensure they do not pass on infection.
Intestinal parasites are everywhere. Most of our commercially produced feeders have them in their systems and you can't get rid of them by gutloading differently. Obviously keeping your feeder bins clean helps keep the variety down, but I doubt you can get rid of them completely. Most herps have a few parasites because their prey have them. There are some that cause more health problems like coccidia, but those are pretty easily ruled out with a fecal sample. Parasites are not a death sentence unless your geckos are so sick and weak the population they might already have overwhelms their immune system. What symptoms are your sick leos showing?
I have a different set of tools for each species I keep. Internal parasites can spread anytime fecal matter is transferred from one cage to another. If a tool or feeder comes in contact with fecal matter, then is moved to another cage there is some risk. As for sick feeders, like all food items, bacterial infestations can cause illness. Most parasites are somewhat specific, so generally there is not evidence that a feeder insect's own internal parasites could spread to a reptile.
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