Parsonii Hatching!

Omg sooooooooooo exciting!!! I'm not ready for a Parson's, but it still gets my heart thumping!
Way to go Garrett!!! Thank you for having the patients to work with this species.
For those of you who don't know ...Breeding Parsonii doesn't come easy and doesn't come quick.
Four more babies out! At least 5 more have split, lots more to go.
And I'm late for work. Aaaaaa!:D


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Hopefully the rise in supply of Parsons chams will bring the cost down so I can finally afford one :rolleyes:

So cool. Love seeing all these success stories!!
Four more babies out! At least 5 more have split, lots more to go.
And I'm late for work. Aaaaaa!:D

So sweet! It's not everyday we get to see Parsonii hatching. Thank you for sharing the photos with us. Quite an accomplishment Garrett!

Work??? :confused: How could you work with this going on?
Gotta pay the feeder bills somehow!:p
I just remembered I have some crazy termite colonies on my property, I was
freaking out about waiting on ff cultures... these guys will be eating like kings!
Morning update:
5 more babies hatched out, 9 have cut the eggs and are almost out, 3 more eggs sweating, 1 hold out:D
Crossing my fingers for 100% hatch!
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