Partial Shed


Chameleon Enthusiast
My one year old female veieled has been shedding it patches rather than all at once. I mist before the lights go out, once again before lights go on in the morning, and once at lunch. She has a dripper going all day and her feces and urates are normal. She eats six crickets every other day and I treat her with shredded butternut squash or carrots and maybe a blueberry once a week. She is a hand fed sweetheart. I just want to know if anyone else has this issue with partial sheds. She likes to be misted sometimes but I don’t mist her directly when she’s shedding.


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So shedding in sections is totally normal in adult chameleons. You are feeding a bit too much for her age though to control clutch size you want to be feeding no more then 3-4 feeders 3 days a week in combination with a lower basking temp of 78-80max. Also you really do not want to feed her veg or fruit. There bodies do not digest it the same way. They are insectivores and use their plants that they eat for roughage. But fruits in particular are not a good thing for them. best to feed these items to your insects.
So shedding in sections is totally normal in adult chameleons. You are feeding a bit too much for her age though to control clutch size you want to be feeding no more then 3-4 feeders 3 days a week in combination with a lower basking temp of 78-80max. Also you really do not want to feed her veg or fruit. There bodies do not digest it the same way. They are insectivores and use their plants that they eat for roughage. But fruits in particular are not a good thing for them. best to feed these items to your insects.
Thanks so much for the response! When she was younger her skin would turn white, split, and then flake off within a day or two. I was concerned that something was wrong with my husbandry. She always acts like she’s starving but I’ll dial it back to three crickets every other day.
Now it’s her tail’s turn


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Her tail went, then half her back, then her head and legs and the other part of her back. It’s so strange compared to their baby sheds that just burst off the whole body in a day! Man I wish I could get brand new skin monthly. Look at that new skin glow!


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She’s a beautiful girl! My Jackson’s started shedding at his jawline then his head then his arms then his legs. I dont believe his body has shed yet though.
My Emmy is all over the place with her sheds. Her head is always first, then legs, body in parts, then her tail is always last. She’s like a transformer.
Thanks Bubba! She has been wearing her receptive colors for a while now and I hope they don’t go away. She ate a live cicada today and gave me an annoyed look for sticking a phone in her face. No crickets tomorrow, that’s for sure.


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