Peaches update and prior info


New Member
Peaches-update might b near the end

It's been a hard felt journey since her gout started at 1st it was getting a little better but as of 1week it's been hard getting her to drink any water I had got her used to drinking water of a plastic little container I made for her to drink water out of since I had to remove her plant to help her avoid from constantly falling from the vines and branches at the moment it's hard to get her to eat and drink any water I'm out of ideas and don't know what to do anymore on top of that she still hasn't layer her unfertilized eggs and I believe it's been a month and a half Im pretty sure do to the pain of the gOut she is in no shape to lay her eggs I even got her a laying bin to lay but it never happened I left her with it for 2weeks but no luck ATM I'm looking at her and she does not look good I feel I've done all I can do and she is near her last hours of life I picked her up to attempt another Shower chamber And as I was carrying her she opened her mouth and as if she let out this big hiss now as I had her in her chamber she would open her mouth and close her eyes and do it again she would lay her head down almost as if she was attempting to drown herself and then pick it back up I then stopped and put her back in her cage she is layin on the ground with her eyes closed and mouth open normally she tends to open her eyes when I do pick her up but as of today she doesn't anymore she continues to have them closed .
Ok so from the research I've done this is what she has ATM Observe your chameleon's physical appearance. Egg binding frequently causes sunken eyes. Chameleons rarely close their eyes during daylight hours, so if your chameleon seems to be sleeping, she might actually be egg bound. Dark and nondescript coloration as well as dry and wrinkly skin may also indicate egg binding. I'm just not sure if she will make it through the whole procedure while in heavy affect of gout It stresses me out seen her in this condition as I attemp to picc her up and help feed her buy when she refuses and I put her back on the floor no matter what position I leave her in and hour later she will still be in that same possition I'm in dire need of help of what to do in this sittuation any ideas are or advice is welcome.
I'm sorry to hear. That is too bad. I'll keep my fingers cross for you that something miraculous happens.

Best of luck.
Its been 3-4weeks Since her last visit and 2prior to that for this whole issue... I am trying to decide what to do prior to the new issue and the discovery I made from my research Im just not sure if she is any type of health to on take anymore procedures she barely has the energy to drink water or eat I'm thinking I'm going to have to get a refill on 1000ml lactated ringers injection ISP iwas given to personally inject to help hydrate her
No I have not I will be calling her vet tomorrow dough to inform her on the sittuation and get an idea on what to do.
Main reason as y I haven't is due to her gout it has gotten worse and she is not drinking or eating I will start feeding her with a syringe I'm not sure what to do about the water dough
She didnt make it...

Woke up early this morning to notice she was black I picked her up and go had a good run longest pet I ever had R.I.P Peaches 5/29/2012
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