Petco Jackson's Cham


New Member
I am against getting a chameleon from Petco, however this guy has been there forever. When I walk up he literally tries to get out to my hand; he does it for no one else (included a pic :p). However, there is something on his knee that almost looks like shed.? But it's a little green. It's hard to explain. Otherwise he looks pretty healthy. I think he has been there for awhile. There is also a female I think that looks HORRIBLY stressed. I can't tell if it's a baby or a female though, it's quite a bit smaller than the male. I didn't have enough storage to take a pic of her.


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It's sad to say but you should just walk on buy if you buy them it makes Petco buy more also I just heard Jackson's are carrying Raccoon nematodes and you don't want to die from that.
Jackson's are carrying Raccoon nematodes and you don't want to die from that.

What? No, no, that's not what that article was saying. It was saying chameleons were found to be able to be carriers for this nematode, not that all Jackson's carry it. Let's not start crazy rumors.

Also, OP, don't buy a chameleon from PetCo. It's not a rescue - it's a stock item to be refilled with demand. Don't create the demand. Hold out for a captive bred Jax from a reputable breeder. He will be healthier.
Are you sure I swear I just read that somewhere there were like 3 Jacksons that were carrying them

Yes, the abstract of the article was shared here on CF. Three Jackson's from a colony of ungiven sample size and from an ungiven location (at least until someone tracks down the full text article) were found to carry them. That does not translate to "all jacksons have raccoon nematodes". It only established that chameleons are ABLE to host the parasite.

Always practice good hygiene and quarantine anyways, regardless, but let's not go nuts on this.
It will be hard to pass him up. That is understandable. I have a big heart for them as well.

It sounds like, by your description, that he may also have a fungal issue on his knee. The issue is that, yes, you will be creating more demand in the store..but also you will end up spending more money on a $50.00 animal than you can imagine. Fungal issues are hard to get ahead of.

Like I said, it will be very hard to pass him up, but the best thing you can do for the species is to buy a CB from an experienced breeder and give a good home to a healthy animal.

Xanths are one of the species that are so heavily imported that not many take the time to breed them in captivity. This is a shame because they are really a beautiful species of chameleon and they have a wonderful temperament.

I hope you can find a good fit for your home!
It will be hard to pass him up. That is understandable. I have a big heart for them as well.

It sounds like, by your description, that he may also have a fungal issue on his knee. The issue is that, yes, you will be creating more demand in the store..but also you will end up spending more money on a $50.00 animal than you can imagine. Fungal issues are hard to get ahead of.

Like I said, it will be very hard to pass him up, but the best thing you can do for the species is to buy a CB from an experienced breeder and give a good home to a healthy animal.

Xanths are one of the species that are so heavily imported that not many take the time to breed them in captivity. This is a shame because they are really a beautiful species of chameleon and they have a wonderful temperament.

I hope you can find a good fit for your home!
I have been really trying to find ones that are CB, but have not been able to find any anywhere. :( Thank you so so much for all of this information, it made me greatly consider not getting him, which I sadly won't be now. But that's okay because I will find an even better fit for my home. :)
Xanths are one of the species that are so heavily imported that not many take the time to breed them in captivity. This is a shame because they are really a beautiful species of chameleon and they have a wonderful temperament.
Shouldn't we as keepers have a responsibility to breed them so that importing them and taking them from the wild should not be needed as much anymore?
I get that it's inconvenient with chams because you can't house em together... But I will definitely try to breed mine.
I am not backing Petco , but I have purchased 2 chams and never had a problem , the manager was very very helpful, it could be some stores just doesn't care , just my point of view , manager never made me buy something I didn't need and also gave me info on where to send them if they ever was sick ,I can imagine there are bad stores beside Petco ,I went to a few other stores and it was mostly pushing me into buying what they wanted to sell
Shouldn't we as keepers have a responsibility to breed them so that importing them and taking them from the wild should not be needed as much anymore?
Many of us already do. The reality is that we are not always successful with some species, jackson's being one of them.
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