pets and names .....?

Bearded dragon female- pinto
male veiled chameleon- quazo
??? mellers chameleon- psych
??? dart frogs- the blue mafia
whites tree frogs- fatso and sticky- those are my sisters
female leopard gecko- snake eyes.
2.2 Veilds (Cammy, Mello, Green Bean, Oggie)
1.2 Rottweilers (Capone, Destiny,Anastasia)
0.1 Cat (Frosty)
I've in the process of getting my cham now,

1 Belgian Shepherd - Leigha
3 Cats - Nyn(ja), Gizmo, and Fivel
1 Cockatiel - Bella

This will only be current for today- I am probably picking up some new panthers at Pam's Chams tomorrow and then I am going to an expo on the 24th. This seems like a whole lot, but it really isn't as bad as it sounds. The animals are my life and I can't imagine how empty my days would be without them filling it =)

male white German shepherd dog- Kemper
female cinnamon pearl cockatiel- Torishima (Tori)
female whiteface pearl cockatiel- Mara
male turqoise budgie- Curacao (came with the name)
male dark blue budgie- Dandelion (we just call him Dandy)
female all white budgie (gorgeous and feisty)- Rem
male pearl button quail- Runt (lol- he was smallest but prettiest)
female all silver white button quail- Silver (didn't mean for this to become her name but it happened)
two female unnamed brown/gold button quail- "brown hens"
one young savannah monitor- Bosque
three crested geckos- Harley (chocolate harlequin), Io and Marilyn (dalmation harlequins)
unnamed female dwarf hamster
rough green snake- "Snackling" (didn't mean for that to become his name, but it did)
female anery cornsnake- Sari
male super red cornsnake- Nib
rescued Russian tortoise- Dukkah
juvi hypo/lemon cross bearded dragon- Pogona (Pogo!)
white goldfish in a big 20 gallon planted tank- Amarillo (Rio- her belly is kind of yellow)
two rescued female veileds- Euka and Calypso
Jackson's pair- Kenya and Meru
female Fischer's- Ghana
yet unnamed male carpet
yet unnamed juvi Melleri
female Ambilobe- Kukicha
male Sambava- Darjeeling
male Ambilobe- Matcha
7 baby veileds
Snails- Snailypo and her babies

Some of my other fishtanks have named inhabitants, but not all of the fish are named. I have a senegal bichir in my big tank named Dinosaur.

I may have forgotten someone :\
This will only be current for today- I am probably picking up some new panthers at Pam's Chams tomorrow and then I am going to an expo on the 24th. This seems like a whole lot, but it really isn't as bad as it sounds. The animals are my life and I can't imagine how empty my days would be without them filling it =)

male white German shepherd dog- Kemper
female cinnamon pearl cockatiel- Torishima (Tori)
female whiteface pearl cockatiel- Mara
male turqoise budgie- Curacao (came with the name)
male dark blue budgie- Dandelion (we just call him Dandy)
female all white budgie (gorgeous and feisty)- Rem
male pearl button quail- Runt (lol- he was smallest but prettiest)
female all silver white button quail- Silver (didn't mean for this to become her name but it happened)
two female unnamed brown/gold button quail- "brown hens"
one young savannah monitor- Bosque
three crested geckos- Harley (chocolate harlequin), Io and Marilyn (dalmation harlequins)
unnamed female dwarf hamster
rough green snake- "Snackling" (didn't mean for that to become his name, but it did)
female anery cornsnake- Sari
male super red cornsnake- Nib
rescued Russian tortoise- Dukkah
juvi hypo/lemon cross bearded dragon- Pogona (Pogo!)
white goldfish in a big 20 gallon planted tank- Amarillo (Rio- her belly is kind of yellow)
two rescued female veileds- Euka and Calypso
Jackson's pair- Kenya and Meru
female Fischer's- Ghana
yet unnamed male carpet
yet unnamed juvi Melleri
female Ambilobe- Kukicha
male Sambava- Darjeeling
male Ambilobe- Matcha
7 baby veileds
Snails- Snailypo and her babies

Some of my other fishtanks have named inhabitants, but not all of the fish are named. I have a senegal bichir in my big tank named Dinosaur.

I may have forgotten someone :\

I have bolded the statment I find funny.. It doesnt seem, IT IS!!! :) Wow..and people thought we were the crazy animal people!!:)
Well i have cut down drastically from what i used to have ever since i moved..

*i used to own* *in the course of 20 years*

27 japanese koi ranging in size from 6"-14"s
120 cockatiels of different variety.
2 sulcatta tortoises
6 red eared slider terrapins
2 dendrobautus eratus.
1 whites treefrog
3 horny toad *lizards*
2 box turtles
6 love birds
11 parakeets *english budgies*
10 fire belled toads
2 leopard geckos
1 tiger barbbed tree frog
4 tiger salamanders
1 fire bellied newt.
reticulated python, corn snake, king snake, tons of gardner snakes,vine snakes.
20ish anoles.
variety of fish, oscars,gouramis,molly's,cichlids,knife fish, placostamus*sp*, bala sharks, variety of small catfish.
2 ferrets
1 indian ringneck parrot,
illegars macaw.

*Currently have*
I own 1 panther chameleon.
in my house is 1 dog, 1 cat.

feeder crickets,roaches, worms,
Yea Iw ould say you cut down significantly. We used to have
2 sugar gliders
3 chinchillas
6 yellow belly sliders
6 tree frogs
2 iguanas
1 water dragon
3 cats
15 bunnies (rescues)
2 parakeets
2 cockatiels
1 patagonian conure
1 green cheek conure
1 beardie
I THINK thats it.. and then we got order to come here and had to rehome most as they were older and highstress.. we kept what you can see in my orig post and added some. We also added a 72 bowfront reef which is kicking our booties! :( Man, are we some crazy addicts or what!? and by we, I mean you. LOL.:)
:) Wow...people who had/have more animals than I once did.

Previously owned and now gone:
7 cats - Misty, Gizmo, Marshmallow, Pumpkin, Harlequin, Ophelia, Tangerine.
1 Shepard/Husky mix - Bear
2 parakeets
3 fish tanks with giant feeder goldies, a Betta (Alpha), and various barbs.
1 Russian Dwarf hamster - Mulan Little Fluff (she was my daughters)
2 Gerbils - Fizgig and Riki
1 Plated Lizard - Lancelot.
1 Leopard Gecko - Dapple
1 Bearded Dragon - Bruce Lee-Zurd
1 Hingeback tortoise - Rusty
1 Iguana - Sarah (daughter named her)
1 Red Checkered Garter snake - Indy
1 Eastern Toad - Blorp
1 Pacman - Ozzie
4 corn snakes - Aries, Glacier, Venus, Pixie
7 rats - Fiona, Heather, Mint, Amber, Nugget, Garnet, Templeton.
5 rabbits - Gandalf (the grey), Walnut, Hershey, MilkyWay, Nestle.
1 Abyssinian Guinea Pig - Truffle

Currently owned and loved:
1 Satin rabbit - Cadbury
3 breeding trios of mice and LOTS of offspring (only the main breeders have names and they're all food related)
1 Golden Betta - Coin
1 Mexican Black Kingsnake - Darth
6 corn snakes - Mystic (ghost), Apollo (amel), Amethyst (lavender), Shaylee (candycane), Athena (anery), Freya (bubblegum snow).
8 Ball Pythons - Nagini (normal), SunSpot (pastel), Hera (normal), Celeste (het albino), Achilles (het albino), Zeus (normal), Aranya (spider), Aurora (pastel).
And coming soon one male Veiled Chameleon (BF wants to name him Plod. :rolleyes:)

I do believe that's it, though I'm sure I've forgotten some of the old pets. Oh, to the person who named their veiled Yoshi - that is GREAT!! :D
Now i just have a young female panther, called Momo.
an aquarium with loads of fish, one is called Raisin (little "ballfish")

I read Pfaff the magic bearded dragon....does the name comes from a Hungarian puppet "movie" Paff the magic dragon? (Paff a bűvös sárkány in hungarian)??

1.0 Ambilobe panther - Thaxter
0.1(?) African clawed frog - Xeno
0.0.1 Tiger salamander - Sally Mander
0.0.1 Oregon newt - Newt
1.0 Leopard gecko - Rex (aka Rexums, Rexy-poo)
Da fish: Plecostomus - Mr. Sticky
Bristlemouth catfish - Hoover
Unidentified Geophagus-type cichlid - Big Guy
Clown loach - Loachity
1.1 Millenium rainbow fish - Owl Caller and Grim Eyes (from the comic "Digger")
2.3 Odessa barbs - unnamed; when there were more of them, referred to them en masse as The Pleiades
Our "zoo" members are:
2 Golden Retrievers - Carter & Hilton
1 Persian Cat - Sheridan
1 Ocicat - Aspen
2 parakeets - Felix & Trixie
1 Veiled cham - Tristan
1 male bearded dragon - Igor
1 female bearded dragon - Ivy
Hee hee

I have:
2 cats: Mr.Bigs(hes fat) and roy
1 beared pygmy cham: Pasche
3 buble eye fish: Bubbles,onyx,and digger
1 pleco cleaner fish: pleco the 2nd (the first one died)
1 blue heeler: patches
4 tadpoles: skylar,skarla, fro, and Cat

former pets:
1 pitbull: ellie
5 glofish: sunny,piggy,kitty,Chic
50 hamsters: too many to name
1 black bird chick: peckington (it got out and flew away,it was a fledgling)
My Zoo

I wait on hand and foot to:
4 chihuahuas, Lola, Jolie, Levi and Berry
1 Meyers parrot, Phoebe
2 map turtles, Speedo and Phelps
2 fat tail geckos, Bettie and Joan
2 geckos, Jack and Diane

and 4 panther chameleons:
Peach, Ambanja female
Bravo, I swear is a dwarf Male Sambava
Kraken, a showy male Ambilobe who lives up to his name,
a Yet to Be Named male Nosy Be
and coming after the first of the year,
a yet to be named Dr. Gonzo baby boy!
1.0 ambanja panther cham- Dreaken
0.1 ball python- Cinnamon
0.1 grey tiger tabby cat- Nakiyana
1.0 green anole- no name yet
1-pitbull, CoCoaka
1-Teacup chihuahua, Tori (aka the rat)
1-Chinese shar-pei, Snuggles
1-hedgehog, Achilles
1-veiled chameleon, Odysseus
1-bunny, Peluche (plush toy in Spanish)
1-hermit crab, Escargot
1-zebra finch, Tweety
1-blue pacific parrotlet, Mr. Bluejay
1-gourami, Tigger
2-crayfish, Megaclaws and Edward scissor hands
3-cockatiels, Benny, Vinny, April
3-chickens unnamed
20+ guppies, breeding colony. no time to name
- Daedalus (the Greek architect of mazes, also the father of Icarus)
- Azura (Means blue)
- Castiel (Angel of Thursday)
- 2 baby girls from Daedalus and Azura, but not sure what to name them yet. Perhaps Antigone and Iphigenia, to continue the Greek theme with them.

Transvaal Chameleons:
- Azrael (Angel of Death)

African fat-tailed geckos:
- Ophelia
- Minerva (Goddess of Spring)

Shetland Sheepdogs:
- Mina
- Milou (The dog from Tin Tin)
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