Petsmart Chameleon...

Ugh yeah. I don't think they mean to do wrong.. I asked a questions and the people go straight to their chameleon pamphlet and read it to me.. They just don't know how to care for them. It makes me sad. All employees should be properly trained how to care for the animals they sell.
The only thing wrong that I can see is the size of the enclosure is smaller than a shoebox.. And they just leave a bowl of water, I'm hoping they spray Threw out the day!

They just lowered the price of this pretty boy to $80 instead of $100.. Wish I new someone around here
They've had this one male for about a month now. I can't help to notice how pretty his colors are! What do his colors mean? Is this normal or a sign of stress etc? Also it makes me pretty mad I think he may be getting sunken eyes from dehydration as they only have a bowl of water in his TINY cage.. What do y'all think?

I am not a fan of petsmart lack of care expertise however i cant imagine they arent trained to same at most locations, that being said the reptile person at my local petsmart said that they are aware of thee bowl of water thing but most people are not and they get an EXTREME amount of negative feedback form the public if there is not water bowl, most people just think if there isnt a water bowl than they are being cruel to the they mist the cage 2 to 3 times per day as far as everything else your saying i agree for the most part.
I bought my veiled chameleon on the spot soon as i walked into a petco. the chick had him on her hand feeding him and i walked up and said i want him. she looked at me all confused because she clearly seen me walk in the door and spot him. he was way too large for the size tank they had him in. i was so glad to get him home needless to say i didnt have anything set up for a new pet so i just bought a heat lamp and hung it in my room and let the chamel live in my room with me till i set up its cage. hada been better than that 1x1 cage.

now hes a stud and whatever petstore i got to with him i always get compliments on his color and temper.
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