Petsmart thows away returns!

Wonderful post Sage

no matter how small what you do makes a difference, and even in the darkest times there is always a glimmer of light:)

as TPM i would also do business with your store if given the chance:D, and hope for small businesses like yours to do well and thrive
I don't know if you guys know..but if you ever return something to Petsmart..expect to see it in their dumpster the next day.

I had a friend that returned a big bag of dog food that his dog didn't like on Saturday. The next day( Today )he was passing by their dumpster behind the store and saw his returned dog food bag with the receipt attached to it !

Today me and him found 3 good looking leashes, dog toys, dog food, reptile hides, etc.

Is it that they are to lazy to put the items back on the shelves? Most items are in perfectly good condition and good possibly be resold.

Instead of giving the returns to shelters where they can be used...Petsmart throws them away. How awful.
this is a respones I got I asked if they would give the food they throw away to rescues
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