Petting chameleons?


Yes I know the typical saying, chameleons are not social animals, they don't like to be handled, touched, they just want to be alone and do their own thing. Despite what others say there are exceptions to this though.

I am just saying that so people don't misunderstand me, I know chameleons most of the time do not want to be held and don't like being touched. But I thought of something today while feeding my chameleon. They recommend if you have to hold a chameleon, put your finger (or stick) gently and slowly under their chin and slowly lift, and that will encourage them to grab your hand and they'll climb on you. I sort of tried that today since I noticed he wasn't stressed or afraid of my hand. It was really the first time I did it with my finger though. With the bearded dragon I'll sometimes sort of scratch his chin with my finger, but doing this kind of made me wonder what, Tricky (my chameleon) thought of me finger on his chin and what he'd think of me petting his chin.

Do you pet your chameleon? Do you think some chameleons might like to be pet or do they not like that feeling at all?
Funny you should mention petting.

One of my veiled, my oldest boy, loves to have his chin rubbed, but he needs to be in the mood. Mostly early in the morning and at bedtime.

Anyway, yesterday I had left him on the free range to spend the night, when I went to collect him, to take him home in the morning, I was petting his chin, end he closes his eyes and raises his head a bit so I can reach better.

But my petting turned him on (if you get my meaning) and he climbed on my hand, clamped all for legs tightly, and started humping my hand :eek:

I moved him to his cage, but he didn't want to get off my hand.
When I did finally get him off, and on to his basking branch, he just stared at me, motionless, for a long time, looking rejected or something.

Petting also helps to calm my panthers. When I have to get my hand under them to be moved, sometimes they will puff up and gape at me, telling me they want to be left alone.
So I gently stroke their leg or chin with my finger, and it calms them down right away.
But my petting turned him on (if you get my meaning) and he climbed on my hand, clamped all for legs tightly, and started humping my hand.
Are you expecting? I am curious as to how this is going to work. Chams lay eggs and rabbits give live birth. Which are you planning for?
My panther LOVES to be rubbed under his chin! If he is in the mood for it he lifts his chin when I open his enclosure.
My gentle giant, Gizmo, I can rub his chin, pick him up, he will even let me touch his eye ball. No reaction from him. And this is any time of the day.
Then I got others that are the complete opposite.
Each 1 has their own personality. Know their limits and don't push it.
cuddle time ♡

My litle panthing loves being handled and stroked, his chin being rubed, down his back, if hes shedding he'll rub himself all over me trying to get it off and somtimes rubs the Sides of his face on me like my cat dose lol I love it he's so cute. once it was late I was on the phone holding him he was liing on my hand while I stroked the top of his head and he fell asleep! It was the cutest thing every!!!!
My litle panthing loves being handled and stroked, his chin being rubed, down his back, if hes shedding he'll rub himself all over me trying to get it off and somtimes rubs the Sides of his face on me like my cat dose lol I love it he's so cute. once it was late I was on the phone holding him he was liing on my hand while I stroked the top of his head and he fell asleep! It was the cutest thing every!!!!

That's awesome. I wonder if, Tricky will ever let me scratch his head or eye when he is itchy, rather than using his hind leg or rubbing it on a branch like he does.
how do you post questions on here?

Hey Cristian! This is an older thread so people might not respond.
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Feel free to PM me if you have any questions! I can help point you into a certain direction or recommend other users for help!
so i tried picking my chameleon up off my shoulder with the chin thing and that worked but after i started to pet his chin a little more he tried to run how do i get him to like me i got him a week ago
Hey Cristian! This is an older thread so people might not respond.
You can go to the forums page and click where you want to post your thread (general discussion for example" then they will be a blue button that says "post thread" in the right top side of the page. ((( :
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions! I can help point you into a certain direction or recommend other users for help!
oh okay thank youuu
so i tried picking my chameleon up off my shoulder with the chin thing and that worked but after i started to pet his chin a little more he tried to run how do i get him to like me i got him a week ago
from my experience, the best way to get a chameleon to like you is by food, when feeding him, make sure he knows your the one giving him food, the best way to basically any animal’s heart is by food. when i feed mine i will place my hand by him and use the food to convince him onto me, once he’s on i give him the food, this shows him that you’re the one getting him food, and of course always be gentle with them if ever handling it. Move slow and don’t startle it, show it that your a friend. that’s worked for me at least
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