Phoenix worm?


Established Member
I am really struggling to find staple feeders her in the UK. I feel locusts and crickets and occaisionally wax worms and roaches.

I was wondering, is the Phoenix worm the same as a wax worm as it looks identical. Anybody know of anything else I can feed, fruit flys are too small. Any type of bug or moth?

I do feed locusts as a staple already. I'm just looking for new things so she don't get bored. She LOVES waxworms but they are obviously not a staple. I've just brought some silk worms =D

To be honest, I don't know the different between all these worms. They all look the same!
Here is a nutritional information breakdown including pheonix worms:


I got this from the following link:
Pheonix Worm Site
Great thanks.

I'm gonna try and order some but I've just ordered some silk worms for her =D Wonder if my beardie can eat these too?
Silkworms, waxworms and butterworms are caterpillars, whereas the Phoenix worms are the larva of the Black Soldier fly, and are maggots! Have you tried her with Morio (super) worms? Butterworms are more healthy than waxworms and if you keep them in the fridge they last ages and don't need feeding!
Ricks live food sometimes gets them in, but it's hard for him. I was emailing him a couple of weeks ago asking when he was gonna some more but he said it cost him loads to get them over from the USA. Have you heard of Nutri Grubs? They are the UK'S answer to the Phoenix worms. I've bought them before online and my cham loved them. Full of calcium too.
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