Chameleon Enthusiast
From just an initial quick glance, all looks good.
Chameleon Info:
Yup! I think you do.
Great job! 

Chameleon Info:
- Your Chameleon - Ambanja Panther, Male, and 5 months. 1 and a half months
- Handling - Twice a week (he is super calm)? Even though he may be calm, it’s always good to work on and reinforce trust. https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/building-trust-with-your-chameleon.2396/
- Feeding - Crickets and Dubias as staple feeders and superworms as treat bugs. About 8 bugs. Everyday at 11:35 and I check on his eating at 3:35 and 7:35. Adding more variety is always best. Lately grasshoppers are more readily available and everyone’s chameleons seem to be enjoying them. (I haven’t tried them yet) https://feedmychameleon.com/collections/feeder-grasshoppers-for-sale Are you using a feeding station? I like and use the shooting gallery and have made my own versions from a plastic food container. https://tkchameleons.com/products/shooting-gallery?variant=30018608595032 H with carrots and sweet potatoes. Good start, but you’ll want to add more variety. Along with the same produce that I make my bearded dragons salads from, I add a bit of Repashy Bug Burger (that I’ve added a tiny pinch of bee pollen and spirulina to) to round things out.
- Supplements - Arcadia earth pro a : everyday except for the 1st and 14th of the month and Reptivite: 1st and 14th of the month I’m going to assume your ReptiVite has D3 in it?
- Watering - I fog and mist every night. A minute 3 times a night. Yes I see him drink every once in a while. What about during the day? Is best to mist for at least 2 minutes right before lights go on and off. If needed you could add a mid day misting or use a dripper for about 15 minutes.
- Fecal Description - Cream, moist, seems good. Hasn’t been tested for parasites. It’s always ideal to have a wellness check to meet your exotics vet (pray you never need them) and have a fecal done.
- History - No he hasn’t shown any signs of sickness and seems well. Awesome!
- Cage Type - Zoomed screen 24x24x48 and sealed with duck window seal on back and sides. Excellent
- Lighting -Wh Arcadia UVB: What is the strength of your uvb bulb? If you’ve forgotten, it’s printed on the end of the bulb. What is the distance between basking area and lights? 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Arcadia LED: 8:00 to a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Perfect schedule Zoomed deep dome and exo terra heat bulb: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. I can’t comment much on this, but many do limit their basking lights to just a few hours. As long as temps don’t drastically chill later in the afternoon, it’s good.
- Temperature - Basking: 82 degrees During Day: 77 to 72 degrees Night: 66 degrees Thermometer connected to phone. Perfect
- Humidity - During Day: 50% Night: 70% Hygrometer connected to phone. Perfect
- Plants - Live plants: 3 pothos, 1 monstera, 2 banana plants small though Interesting. You’ll have to let us know how the banana plants do.
- Placement - I have it by the dining room. Not really much people go there and it’s not by any air vents. About 2 and a half ft of the ground. Should I assume it’s sitting on a table that is 2.5’ high? If so, perfect. Height is safety.
- Location - Texas, USA

Very cool! I love diys.I made the dragon ledges with some scrap wood and rubber spacers
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