(Pic Heavy) Marley Showing Some Cool Colors and Mr. Ziggy


New Member
Marley started coloring up really nicely for the first time today, so I thought I'd put some pics up. Thanks for looking.










^^Thanks for the nice comments!! :)

This ambilobe is from Kammerflage. He was an Odre Ahey baby. The ones from Brian are just starting to get some color, but they're still tiny little guys right now.
Yeah, he was the first Ambilobe I got. He's right at 6-7 months. Just in the last few days, he's started to fire up. The camera doesn't show it well, but he's starting to get a lot of blue in his bars. I'm curious to see how it comes through.

How's Sherlock, your little girl, and the carpets? I'll bet Sherlock is getting big now!
............ you lucky dog........ I hate you right now
for having such beautiful chams and not sharing with me:D
............ you lucky dog........ I hate you right now
for having such beautiful chams and not sharing with me:D

:D Thank you!! you about made me spit my drink on the screen! Lol.

You guys are all awesome. I love this forum, and need to get back more.

P.s. Ziggy is having his first clutch soon. It'll still be awhile though.
i'm guessing that the last three are of Ziggy..... he is mind blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a beautiful animal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ought to look up Kevins' other male bumblebee he's a total jaw dropper of a faly. I'm already on the list for a male from his first clutch.:D
Thanks again! You guys are all too kind. Those eggs should be ready in the coming months Scott. You got your name on one for sure man. ;)
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