Picky Cham.


New Member
So I bought some crickets and some mealworms for my cham. I don't really see him eat alot which I'm reading on here that isn't that odd. I also ordered some blue bottle flies and was looking forward to the feeding show of him zapping flies, but that's not happening either. I only actually see him eat the mealworms which I place on a leaf for him. Is there and actual feeding dish or something i can make that will attach to the screen to put the mealworms in? Right now the mealworms just squirm off and fall to the bottom of the cage and zeke never goes down there.
go to your local reptile store and ask if they have any deli cups you can have most will be more then willing to give them to you. hook it up to your vines with zip ties and put the meal worms in there i do that to all my chams and they eat from the cup. here is a pic of how mine are set up in the cages
You should only give mealworms once a week as a treat. Im having the same problem. My little guy is addicted to mealworms, which are not healthy for him. Only offer him crickets until he realizes thats the only food he's going to get. After he's eating well again, thats when you should give him a treat. :)
So Zeke ate a couple of crickets and then I saw nothing for like 3-4 days. I started to get worried and went an ordered him some blue bottle flies. But while I was waiting for them to come in the mail and hatch I went to the pet store and picked up some mealworms. I was also wondering if I could go to walmart and get some bee moths. I don't really know what those are I just used to fish with them when I was a kid. They looked like a really large maggot. Also, if I leave them out, will they turn into something edible for a cham. Zeke loves moths, I caught a couple one night and fed them to him the next morning and he was totally digging those. The deli cups at the pet store, those are not see through are they? I had cup for him, but it was see through and he went to the bottom of the cup and kept trying to eat them that way, from underneath.
If your having feeding issues and your guy likes meal worms. Order some silkworms from Mullberry(http://www.mulberryfarms.com/), they are a much better alternative. Dubai's are another good alternative to add into the mixture! Chams are known to go on hunger strikes from time to time. When they do its usually good to double check all of your setup and temps/humidity to make sure everything is were it should be. Good luck
Wow, thanks for the link, bigcappa! I just went on there and checked out all the stuff they have and I'm thinking when I get done, Zeke will be one spoiled cham. All I have to do now is order some and make him a feeding cup and he'll be in heaven.
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