picky eater?


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - nosy-be panther , approximately 1 years old
Handling - every 2 days.
Feeding - crickets gutloaded carrot and other veggies, and also waxworm.
Supplements - exoterra calcium every feeding and calcium+d3 once a month
Watering - i mist t with spray bpttle and there also a dripper in the cage. everyday shes drinkin.
Fecal Description - white black,sometimes orange black.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen, 60x60x150
Lighting - exoterra uvb5.0
Temperature - daylight around 29-31 celcius at night 27-29.
Humidity - around 50-70% maintaining. im using hygrometer inside the cage
Plants - idk whats the plant name.
Placement - in the garage.
Location - Jakarta,Indonesia.

problem : 3-4 mths ago she loves ate crickets,and also she ate much. but nowadays she stopped eat crickets,i've tried mealworms and also she didnt eat it. she only eats waxworms,and i dont wanna give her much. is she a picky eater? or she bored with cricket? what should i do?
thank you.
She could be bored. There are a lot of stories here about hunger strikes.

Has she ever laid eggs? They will lay eggs even if they haven't been with a male. Can you maybe post a picture?

If she's not gravid (bearing eggs) then, if she were mine, I would cut her off for a few days, possibly 4 or 5 and then re-introduce a couple of crickets.

However, I've read that they will go off their food when getting ready to lay, so I think that question needs to be answered.
She could be bored. There are a lot of stories here about hunger strikes.

Has she ever laid eggs? They will lay eggs even if they haven't been with a male. Can you maybe post a picture?

If she's not gravid (bearing eggs) then, if she were mine, I would cut her off for a few days, possibly 4 or 5 and then re-introduce a couple of crickets.

However, I've read that they will go off their food when getting ready to lay, so I think that question needs to be answered.

sorry i forgot to tell ya its male..i've tried give him mealworms,but he didnt eat it. here in jakarta,insects diet are most likely cricket,mealworm and waxworm. hard to find another variety of insects.. i dont know what should i do..


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You said "she" in the post....that threw me.

3-4 mths ago she loves ate crickets,and also she ate much. but nowadays she stopped eat crickets,i've tried mealworms and also she didnt eat it. she only eats waxworms,and i dont wanna give her much. is she a picky eater? or she bored with cricket? what should i do?

Okay, not pregnant then. Very handsome too. Like I said, if it were me, I'd cut him off for a few days. At that age he can handle 4 or 5 days without food. I'd then introduce just 2 crickets. Hopefully that would stimulate him to eat. If so, I'd go back to my regular feeding schedule after that.
You said "she" in the post....that threw me.

Okay, not pregnant then. Very handsome too. Like I said, if it were me, I'd cut him off for a few days. At that age he can handle 4 or 5 days without food. I'd then introduce just 2 crickets. Hopefully that would stimulate him to eat. If so, I'd go back to my regular feeding schedule after that.

okay my bad,lol.
thanks :) . so i shouldnt give him crickets for 2 days. and after 2 days i should start introduce cricket again? okay,thank you very much :D i hope he'll get better soon.
In Jakarta? Could you hang a sheet out at night with a light on it to attract and catch some flying insects? When I was in Indo, it seemed like there were dragon flies everywhere during the day. Offer him up some variety - he looks really healthy to me.
In Jakarta? Could you hang a sheet out at night with a light on it to attract and catch some flying insects? When I was in Indo, it seemed like there were dragon flies everywhere during the day. Offer him up some variety - he looks really healthy to me.

have you ever lived in indo? thats great man.. okay,great idea,gotta try it.
thanks. i havent give him food since yesterday,i think wanna introduce the crickets again tommorow. hope he will eat the crickets again. :)
cutting him off seems to be the best idea. If you got cut off of food, youll eat pretty much anything if youre very hungry.
That's a pretty warm night temperature.
Any way you can cool it down some at night where you live? I suppose that warm night temp might effect his appetite. A cool mist a few minutes before dark might help if your ambient at night there is really warm... Or maybe move the cage down at night when the lizard sleeps near the tile floor or concrete floor that hasn't been exposed to sun so it is cool.

Waxworms are trouble for picky eaters- I can't recall the number of times I've met kids with leopard geckos who would only eat waxworms once they start, but it seems like I meet one every couple of years. They are not a good thing to feed a lot.

Have you tried fasting your lizard for 4 or 5 days before trying non-worms again? Sometimes picky eaters just have to go hungry for a while and have no options except 1 before they will break the habit.
cutting him off seems to be the best idea. If you got cut off of food, youll eat pretty much anything if youre very hungry.

yeah,i've been cutting his meal since 2 days ago.

That's a pretty warm night temperature.
Any way you can cool it down some at night where you live? I suppose that warm night temp might effect his appetite. A cool mist a few minutes before dark might help if your ambient at night there is really warm... Or maybe move the cage down at night when the lizard sleeps near the tile floor or concrete floor that hasn't been exposed to sun so it is cool.

Waxworms are trouble for picky eaters- I can't recall the number of times I've met kids with leopard geckos who would only eat waxworms once they start, but it seems like I meet one every couple of years. They are not a good thing to feed a lot.

Have you tried fasting your lizard for 4 or 5 days before trying non-worms again? Sometimes picky eaters just have to go hungry for a while and have no options except 1 before they will break the habit.

he alrd fasting for 2 days,i'll let him 4 days w/o food i think. haha.. so waxworm is bad,what should i give beside crickets?? mealworms??
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