Picky Veiled Chameleon

Mr A

New Member
I have a Veiled Chameleon (not sure about age or gender) and so far he only eats crickets (which was the only thing he has being fed in the store). I tried to have him eat mealworms and waxworms and banana, carrots, apple, greens. Any suggestion how I can get him interested in other foods?
Mealworms and wax worms aren't really god anyways as a big portion of your feeders. Try dubia roaches and silk,super, Phoenix, and horn worms. Mantids might work too.
Thank you I will write it down and see if I can buy these at Petco/Petsmart or online from Ghann's.
My 3 month old male is the same way.. He loves his crickets! I've tried mealworms and waxworms as well. I think it is because he prefers to hunt and doesn't like stuff that doesn't move much or is on a tray..

I would love to try other things as I read they should have a variety, but anything that doesn't move he doesn't seem interested in. Please let me know what works! I'm not sure if im up for the roaches though.. I've kinda got a little phobia lol.
My 5 month old veiled used to devour his crickets. Now he's been turning his nose up at them, and will only eat supers and horned worms. And he won't even look at the dubias. :mad:
I even tried the special mealworm feeder that hangs from the side. But she didn't care at all. I will try the roaches first altho my wife isn't very happy about it. I will post results here!

Is your Cham a male or female? Have you asked the pet store where you bought him/her what they fed her/him?
As Olimpia so kindly pointed out to me "A male will have little nubs/spurs on his heels while a female will not."

This is what I mean by a spur
I scored me some Super-(Man) worms and my Veiled Chameleon loves them! I think I bought wong Wax and Meal worms from Petco as they barely moved around. I also skipped one day of feeding him and he ate the Super worms like a little piggy. :)
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