Pics of 4 month old ambilobe male!

Nice! this got me way excited for my cham tomorrow i dont think he is much younger than yours, maybe by a few weeks. I would be super stoked if mine looks as good as yours in such a short amount of time. He is going to be amazing.
His colours are amazing for such a young cham!! I think he looks either underfed or deydrated though, his cask is sinking in quite a lot and his cheeks also look to be a bit on the thin side.
Fat pads are a little sunken but my male ambi makes himself look real skinny when i take him outside... Not sure why, un familliar territory?? Hes really comming into his adult colors incredibly!
His colors are amazing for such a young cham!! I think he looks either underfed or dehydrated though, his cask is sinking in quite a lot and his cheeks also look to be a bit on the thin side.

Thank you i am loving his new colors as well! But he is definitely not underfed because he eats 20-25 baby dubia's a day. I also often see him drinking off the plants in his cage shortly after a misting. I am in the process of training him to drink out of a dropper when i take him out of his cage like my veiled (hasn't been successful yet). Nonetheless i am ordering up some baby hornworms and small silkworms for him tomorrow so if he likes them, they should provide good hydration also. Thanks!
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