pics of Slim.


New Member
New to the chameleon world. Just wanted to show off Slim.


Well, to be quite honest I have no idea. I was told he was a Graceful Cham. I believe that he is either a graceful or a flapneck. I am unsure though. Hopefully you guys can tell me what exactly he is for sure!!

Thanks for the comments, hes awesome. Probably one of the more favorite pets I've owned.

EDIT: After looking at a few other senegal chameleon's I believe that's what slim is... Agreed?
Yeah, I believe strongly that he is a Senegal Chameleon.

I've been trying to find more information on Senegal Chameleon's. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

How often do they eat?
How big do they get full grown?
Temps and Humidity?
It's a Chamaeleo gracilis. If you would have typed in 'graceful chameleon' in google you would have know for sure from the start.
It wasn't a guess. Looking for it on the internet gives you plenty of results, senegalensis looks a lot alike but shows different colors. As my internet connection (mobile) is blurring pictures I can't give a detailed explanation about the difference but I might be able to do so later.
Trust me gang, you can be sure that when Eszzie tells you want kind of cham it is - well that is what it is.:) Cute little one.

It wasn't a guess. Looking for it on the internet gives you plenty of results, senegalensis looks a lot alike but shows different colors. As my internet connection (mobile) is blurring pictures I can't give a detailed explanation about the difference but I might be able to do so later.
At last... Thank you for clearing all that up Laurie! Thanks for all the comments he's still doing great!

How many waxworms is good to feed my Cham at once?
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