Pics of the Posse...


Avid Member
Okay here are more of pics I took yesterday after finally finding my camera... This is where my time and money goes...

Here's a shot of Cuervo:D... I This guy was struggling when I acquired him...But has really turned around and is turning into quite the awesome Veiled. I estimate him to be around 7 months.

My lady Caddie! She should be laying her second clutch from her mating on Memorial Day soon...She is showing major Gravid colors and wants nothing to do with me.

Elwood Blues!!! I acquired this guy from Chris(Geckoxp) here on the forums last month...and he is a great Cham! So beautiful, and an awesome little personality. Thanks again Chris...this guy is feeling right at home and being pampered everyday.



and Always McLovin! Have to throw in a pic of the buddy.:D

McLovin's main squeeze Muffin' Here she is on day 17 of her Gravidness...

and the other Nosy Girl Leeloo My love Julia named her from the 5th Element. She is the one that was giving me trouble with her eyes... Now she has them alert and open...She started eating more...and is starting to look Gravid from an infertile clutch.

the day I brought her home...

Thanks for checking 'em out guys! What do ya think?

Elwoods AWESOME!! Too bad I missed out on j/k :D Your new females really pretty too...glad she's doing better.

Hey Guys...

Yeah I have been back and forth on Cuervo's sex a lot over the last few months . I hesitantly settled on Male, for the reason that there is what feels and looks like a tiny spur on the heel. I had thought that some were bigger than others, but if there is a spur on the heel at is male. But it is small. I tried to show him Caddie one time...and saw that he started to head bob, but apparently fems can do that as well. I have a feeling you guys are right, my gut instinct has always been female, but that tiny spur, and the vibrant colors threw me,...I have never personally seen a fem fire up this way, but As far as female Veileds, Caddie is my only personal experience so not much to really compare too. I knew that when I got him he was extremely neglected, dehydrated, and underweight...I had just figured this would explain the "proportional issues", but it is odd that he hasn't started to fill out. Man...Not only do I feel dumb now... But I am back in the air on the sex of Cuervo...Either way I am impartial as I didn't plan on Breeding Him/Her.

EDIT: Thanks ... Now that I know all of your thoughts on it as well... I def am back to my gut instinct... Cuervo is a lady... The point that I believe seals it is one Juli pointed out in PM... No Bulge... At this age I should be able to see him packing something. I never put to much thought to it since she was not inteneded to be breeder...But now I do have to think of another name! Thats for putting that to rest guys!

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Joe, all of your chameleons look absolutely wonderful! Thanks for posting them. Most importantly I'm glad to hear that Leeloo's eye troubles have ceased!
Both of your males are stunners! I'm really diggin Elwood and am especially jealous that he has two nice looking sexually mature females. I'm working on that part with Vega, both of his girls are still a few months too young :eek:
Does Cuervo have a noticeable bulge, by 7mo their should be a noticeable package....
I hesitate mentioning this, but chameleons have been known to present themselves as hermaphrodites. Mostly from what I understand the "females" look like big males and display more vivid coloration, atypical of females.
Does Cuervo have a noticeable bulge, by 7mo their should be a noticeable package....
I hesitate mentioning this, but chameleons have been known to present themselves as hermaphrodites. Mostly from what I understand the "females" look like big males and display more vivid coloration, atypical of females.

Thanks Liz! Cuervo actually has no real noticable bulge. That is really interesting what you mentioned about the Hermaphoditic Veileds... I will have to look into that... because it has been more than once I have thought something along those lines about this Cham.

My thought Process...

The fired up colors were very not typical of what I am used to seeing in a female.

So I looked for a spur, and found one that is definately there...But defiantely Puney.

Then the head Bobbing... It was slight, and happened without firing up... But at the sight of Caddie, there was definately an interest and head bobbing on Cuervos part...

I Don't Know!!!:confused::eek::confused::eek::confused::eek:

Maybe I will rename the Cham Rupaul.:D

Thaks Again..
I'm with ya... My cham is definately not developing like a male that is for sure. I will agree... He's a she...Go ahead rub it in...:rolleyes::D
the robin egg blue dots all over is a very telling indication, you'll never see a male with that many , males tend to have far less, and they tend to be concentrated within the stripes and certainly not that large
Thanks Dank...

Hard to tell from the lighting of the pic...But all those spots are actually Black. I am yet to see a single a blue spot in the pattern. Fires up with a really yellow and and light green Background... with tons of black bloches and spots. My other Fem started showing light orange highlights in her pattern... shortly followed by the blue spots before I mated her. None of those on Cuervo, Just Blotchy and spotty Black on Yellow/green. At 7 months I imagine if really is a fem I will be seeing those spots shortly though.

Ahhh geez...I miss my lil guy EW. I wish I still had the guy just because of how great he was being held and the way he was in general. Hes in a better place with the ladies...lucky man...lucky man indeed.

Hey any where that I can be bought out to spend the rest of my life with the ladies and get pampered?....don't let my wife see this....haha:p
I think it's a sexually confused male.

LOL Really!?!? Man you are are not puttuing my mind at ease! How bout a Pole? Everyone who views... Take a vote at Male or Female for the first Veiled Cuervo... I will try to get some shots of the Pewny little spur and a better tail base shot tonight... I would love to hear what everyones impression would be from this pic... So far I think Female is winning the race...

Ahhh geez...I miss my lil guy EW. I wish I still had the guy just because of how great he was being held and the way he was in general. Hes in a better place with the ladies...lucky man...lucky man indeed.

Hey any where that I can be bought out to spend the rest of my life with the ladies and get pampered?....don't let my wife see this....haha:p

I really do get so many complments on this guy... His greens are going bluer by the day it seems, and his babies with Leeloo are bound to be Gorgeous. He has the coolest little personlity... When I reach in with the food he gets all excited... And I swear once he eats..You can see the smile on his face.

Great gang you've got there Joe! Looks like a happy bunch of lizards!

Great shots too, thanks for posting!

Thanks Royden,

I work hard keeping those lizards happy. I need to get a new Cam so my shots can join the ranks of the forum DSLR'ers.:D

Yeah that is the whole posse with the exception of my male veiled Captain, and some other snakes and Beardies...No good pics of him quite yet as he is nowhere near as social as the rest. But he is definately male with no "proportion" issues:D...Here is the only half decent pic I have of Captain at the moment, Sire to Caddies Babies...


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