Pictures of Calais

Took some pictures of calais this morning, i've been trying to fatten him up a bit because he is using more energy to heal his tail. He looks pretty good and is a very enthusiastic drinker as well :p I let him lick the drips off my spray nozzle but he likes to shoot and bite it in the process... trying to keep him from doing it but he is very persistant.


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The tail looks nasty, but I am going to the vet again soon, just need to make an appointment, no more amputations, since the last one didn't work anyway. He is doing well on the antibiotics, so I am hoping she will give me another or at least an antifungal.
Poor little guy, he's beautiful but the tail must be painful. :(

I like the Tokay as well! I heard they pack a mean bite. Is that true?
This is what happened with Daedalus. My vet was more conservative with the first amputation and the necrosis kept creeping up. Then I went in again and told the vet to cut off a good half inch of clear, healthy tail with it, to get a nice margin from the infected part. And this did the trick, he's got a nubbier tail but he does great.

With Daedalus though, the necrosis was spreading really quickly. Overnight it was creeping up a half inch or more, by two days it was significant. I wanted to amputate again because I thought waiting for antibiotics to kick in would take too long - given how slow their metabolism is. I thought for sure in another week the necrosis might have reached his organs and he'd be a gonner. And the amputation did the trick, and faster.

Not telling you what to do, just telling you I've been in the same crossroads. How quickly is the tail getting worse? That might be a deciding factor.
It is very slow, it doesn't seem to have moved any in the past week. Unfortunately because she was conservative with the first one and it is still dying I can not really afford another, and it is her fault. The antibiotics seem to be working but yes they do take a while, it has been 3 weeks and they are just kicking in, that is probably why it has stopped. I called to make an appointment for either tomorrow or this week, whenever they have available. I hope she might think about giving him an antibiotic injection right at the spot but who knows. e also has this thing going on with his lip, it kind of looks like mouth rot but it isn't, you can see in the face pictures. it's kind of like a pouty face. I will have her check that out too.
Very pretty guy!

Question about the tail necrosis.... was that due to a shedding issue?? thank you for information as i want to learn what I can to prevent any issues.
Very pretty guy!

Question about the tail necrosis.... was that due to a shedding issue?? thank you for information as i want to learn what I can to prevent any issues.

No I believe it was when his cage fell and a pot had him pinned my his tail. It looked to have broke and the end was dead and rotting. we amputated but obviously she didn't do enough so now it is still rotting but it seems to have stopped.
Wow, my vet did the second amputation for free, since it was HIS choice to be more or less conservative. I might try to bring up a second procedure with your vet and see what she says about payment, mine offered immediately to do it at his expense.

But good luck! I'm glad it isn't spreading, whatever Daedalus had was spreading like wildfire. Hopefully your vet can do something to make him feel better faster.
Wow, my vet did the second amputation for free, since it was HIS choice to be more or less conservative. I might try to bring up a second procedure with your vet and see what she says about payment, mine offered immediately to do it at his expense.

But good luck! I'm glad it isn't spreading, whatever Daedalus had was spreading like wildfire. Hopefully your vet can do something to make him feel better faster.

I will ask and see what she says, i don't know her that well to know if she will or not.
I also want to be more reserved about another surgery because he almost died during the last one. I think it may be too risky to put him through another :(
Oh that's not good either. Well, hopefully something else can be done then. If it's not spreading then that's a good thing, for sure. Perhaps shoot Dr. Alfonso an email and get his opinion? He's awesome, and is usually happy to lend an opinion. That way maybe if he suggests a course of action you can then suggest it to your vet and go in more armed.
Emailed Dr. Alfonzo, he suggested Silvadene cream if it is progressing slowly and if it doesn't seem to be helping in a week that surgery is again a must. I will suggest this to my vet tomorrow and see what she thinks. I would think it would be worth a try seeing it has seemed to stop spreading.
Emailed Dr. Alfonzo, he suggested Silvadene cream if it is progressing slowly and if it doesn't seem to be helping in a week that surgery is again a must. I will suggest this to my vet tomorrow and see what she thinks. I would think it would be worth a try seeing it has seemed to stop spreading.

Did he see the picture? I would be very afraid that the infection would spread to the vital organs in his body.
Did he see the picture? I would be very afraid that the infection would spread to the vital organs in his body.

Yes he did, he said it looks like it needs surgery but see if my vet wants to try the silvadene first since it has stopped spreading up his tail
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