pictures of dexter(:


New Member


yah i just got him so he's pretty stressed out. but he's starting to chill out more. if anyone else trys to touch him tho he just runs back up my arm ..haha, at least he knows its me.
yah i just got him so he's pretty stressed out. but he's starting to chill out more. if anyone else trys to touch him tho he just runs back up my arm ..haha, at least he knows its me.

just don't hold him often and defintly not when you get him. Give him few days or even a week to become comfortable. I was told 1 time a week handling, go for 2-3 :p otherwise you will have one snappy chameleon

This was mine when I first held him.
Well some days away after I got him. I still need to hold him again, I don't want a snappy chameleon.
yah i've read multiple stories about handling and suchh. it seems to very just by how tempermental they grow up to be but usually you can get them pretty friendly if you dont bother them constantly. :)
OH! btw is that your cage in the background?
If so I would suggest alot more climbing areas:eek:

check my link of mine
I'm nof a fan of holding chameleons when you don't need to. Try to only handle him once a week or so to check his grip and health. Otherwise leave him be. I use hand feeding as a way to interact with my chameleon in a less stressful way.

I bet he will have beautiful colors when he is older. Welcome to the addiction.

EDIT: That cage is very very bare and looks very large for him! What are the dimentions?
and he's cutee! mine does the same tealish color thing too but like randomly. when he's mad/scared he usually gets like black on top and bright green stripes
yah i've read multiple stories about handling and suchh. it seems to very just by how tempermental they grow up to be but usually you can get them pretty friendly if you dont bother them constantly. :)

I heard that aswell. I don't exactly believe it would hurt them since I was told they are mainly living a well great less stressed home than in the wild.
I'm nof a fan of holding chameleons when you don't need to. Try to only handle him once a week or so to check his grip and health. Otherwise leave him be. I use hand feeding as a way to interact with my chameleon in a less stressful way.

I bet he will have beautiful colors when he is older. Welcome to the addiction.

You told me something about hand feeding. I thought you said it was bad?
haha thank you. his father was very brightly colored blue and yellow. i always make a point to feed him when i get him out so he gets to know that im not a threat.
I edited my post so check that part out. Stress kills and handling = stress. Don't ever forget that. I would only handle him (aside fromonce a week) if he voluntarily walks out onto your hand while your hand is at the front of the enclosure.

You need to get more cover in there and more basking branches.
the cage is 2x2x4. i had vines in that picture that reached to the top of the cage from a pothos plant but hes gotten bigger and didnt want him to be stuggling to hang on to one little vine. i added a fake fig tree wich is providing more cover and stability until i purchase a ficus/hibiscus.
How old is he? 2x2x4 may be too big for him if he is young. What do his basking branches/basking area look like?
he's about 4 months now. growing fast. i got him from flchams and they suggested this size cage. i know some ppl get smaller enclosers to begin with then a bigger one when they grow older but they said this was okay and that chameleons enjoy vertical space anyway.

He needs more basking branches. Is that the only part of the cage that has plants? The lack of foliage is really bothering me. He needs lots of hiding space and climbing space. He should also be raised so that he is above your eye level.
yah i know i need more foliage like big time. and thats like only half the cage...i just havnt had the chance to go to home depot. but thank you i'll get that fixxed up
no fake plant either. my male tried eateing them at that age and will eate anything he can put in his mouth the little pig. his favorite is dirt. i have caught him twice digging under rocks and layers of paper towel to get to it. after i cath him i give him lots of water and veggies to get his digestive tract really wet so he doesnt get far i can tell by his poop when he eats the dirt....does anyone have any other advice on what to do when they do get into the dirt? i dont see a problem with a large the wild they have hundreds of miles to climb fall and climb again. we cant always be there to hold their hand. if it were a hatchling i would sugest a small cage or baby bin but once they are big enough like 3-4 in i beleave a permanant sized cage is more suitable.
yah my fake plant is only there temporarilly but for the dirt problem try big stones that he cant move around the base of the plant/over the dirt. like ones people put at the bottom of fish bowls but big enough so he cant eat them obviously.
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