pictures of melleri foot and set up


Established Member
here are some photos of my meller's foot and cage setup. took the pictures with my phone so not the best. have been using poly-sporin on the wound but stoped when it began a shed. foot looks alot better now, like a normal scab. its shed is not complete, and im hoping most of the affected area will clear up when the soles of its feet shed. thanks summoner12 for the advice & photos. my mellers feet look alot like the photos - maybe a bit rougher being a fresh import. hoping they look better after this shed. Jim
Welcome to the Melleri Addiction Club, so what's it's name? What kind of plant is that? Pretty soon all the MACs will be swarming your thread, LOL. We love melleri!:D
im calling it zipo. the plant is some sort of ficus. only had the cham for maybe a month now but shure seeing improvement. poor thing was a mess from importation! tanzania to montreal then calgary! bought it as it was being unpacked! mixed feelings about all that, ya know? anyway, lots of misting & lotsa bugs seems to do the trick! even accepts some hand feeding! ill post more pictures now that i know how! Jim
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