Pictures of My New Veiled Chameleon


New Member
These Are Some Pictures of My New Veiled Chameleon.




It looks healthy-I don't see spurs so looks like a female. The glass cage would be OK for a very short period if you remove the substrate and ideally add a live plant. Make sure you watch temps as said as it is easy to cook babies. They will literally bask and overheat themselves to death.
yeah, im going to change to a screened cage when its abit older, i will probably add a live plant aswell.
i made the substrate mistake as well he never had a big problem but he was always picking the coconut bark out of his mouth :( but now he doesn't have that problem :)
OUCH-not good. Change them to absolutely NOTHING. It is just easier to wipe the cage bottom up with paper towels.
Have you not noticed how wet those get if you are misting like you should be?

They really are dangerous. If your cham eats those he will get impacted and he will eat them.
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