Pictures of some of my Chamy chams


Chamalot Chameleons
First off Daigan Jr now 6 months old.. son of my first chameleon.


And here is his brother Deedle


My trouble maker Ambanja



Mr Circle Side in the sun


Little Clown, such a sweetheart. Some of you may have seen him in person at repticon


This is Firecracker who, believe it or not,is Little Clowns BROTHER! Firecracker was the runt of the clutch and still he is not quite as big as Clown... but he has some amazing colors and is also a sweet heart.


Thats just some of the chamys.. I'll see if i can get some more pics up later. We are building an outside cage today too so I will be posting those pics later as well...
Wow, so pretty! I am very tempted to waste rent money to buy more chams, but I won't for the sake of having a place to stay!
You're ambanja is wicked cool. I'll be on the look out for a baby neonate from him, when ever they become available. Do you have any pictures of Rittz??
Great looking chams! I am in the process of drawing plans for a large outdor enclosure for my crew. If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to see what your enclosure looks like/how you plan to build it. Thanks
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