Pictures of your reptile rooms anyone?


New Member
If people feel like doing so, could you post pictures of your reptile rooms or reptile areas? I will once I get mine cleaned :D
I always enjoy seeing others' set-ups as it gives me ideas. Thanks!
Oh I love threads like this. I love seeing how many tanks people can stack one on top of another lol. I don't have anything useful to add right now, únfortunately.

I will post photos in a month, when I move! I am so excited, I will actually have a spare little room for the chameleons and geckos for the first time.
Oh fun! I bet you are so excited! Make sure to post some pics. I also love seeing how creative people can be with fitting as many things in a room as possible... it doesn't make me feel like a hoarder then :)
a lil bout my set up

i use electrical wire, KnoKnut seems to like it alot, also use the green chicken netting on my outdoor ares enclosure; i like screen slided or hammocks; lotsa great branches i clean by whitteling awayn the bark then placing them near my fire pit to kill anything that might be in them.
I put in a shelf up high in my study for a walkway which KnoKnut luvs to cruise around an around ; otherwise i seek different combinations daily untill i get it all installed like i want it; its still a work in progress


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I have to wait 2 months for my roommates to move out before the chams get their own room ;) I'm already planning it! :)
My Reptile Room is my bedroom.

Heres my eastern box turtle and my whites tree frogs:

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Heres Barb!

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Heres my frogs again and my leopard geckos:

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Heres Kirby the whites tree frog and Leopold and Oz the leopard geckos!

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Heres my brazilian rainbow boa and my tiger salamanders:

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Heres Iara my boa and Bubba and Rocket the tiger salamanders!

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Finally, heres Gertrude, my newest female veiled:

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Enjoy! I sure do!

Wow, very impressive collection! Your Rainbow boa is magnificent... I had one that died recently and yours makes me want to get another (he was just a week hatchling). LLLReptile is selling them right now and I really want to get another.
I have a separate reptile room that I will put pictures of up soon, but I love keeping the nocturnal reptiles in my room because of being able to watch them crawl around at night and hearing my White's tree frogs call.
Here are some of mine two are made w/ rear windows so they go right up to the window They house 13 chams from 4 different species. Out went the couch to accomodate the room.


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Here is our room, we have a loft that we use for the herps, it is getting a little crowded though so I may pack up the rest of my star wars collection till I can have a star wars room too :) In it we have Angus (yemen), Eaden and Deirdre (carpets), the baby yemen we just rescued yesterday, Brutus (leopard gecko), tiger salamander, rose hair tarantula, and the kingsnake.


Bugs :)

Please excuse the cardboard etc, we are in the process of building some pretty enclosures :)

study/nap area and salamander enclosure and the puglet

gpmo (her)
My room essentially looks like this on both sides, with bug bins on the other two walls.

Is that pegboard for the cage walls? What an awesome idea! It allows ventilation and is pretty resistant to water? I am going to steal that idea from you to make my next cage ;)
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This is my reptile/amphibian area. It's having some minor issues at the moment ( wood is starting to soak up water) So I am going to have to let it dry out and re-paint/put plastic on the wood. First pic is of the entire thing, second it Leo's area.


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Here's mine. First the "Long view" then 2 pics to show my whole row side-by-side. I have several different sizes of chams but I like to use 4 foot shop lights for my UV - so I have to spend some time trying to get the tops of my various sized cages lined up. Wish I had a bright cheery place as a cham room but I have to use a windowless storage area - it works!


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There are some really clever ideas some of you have, I am looking forward to changing my room up. I could look at these pictures all day, does anyone else have any to add?
Here are a few not so great shots of a few enclosures....we have quite a few more but it's tough to get decent shots of everything...







Hi Everyone
Here are some pics of my conservatory/Montane cham room, & my main herp room which is built into my garage & houses most of my dartfrogs & more chams & a few geckos, hope you like?:) Heatherxxx


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