
Although i dont have one yet, a Blue Nosed Pitbull is my future goal! I love Pitbulls, and my brother has one also(a female blue nosed). I want to get a male! and breed them!
Pits are wonderful

I have a 1 ane 4 month old red nose pit. If you want a dog that is loyal, and loving you cant go wrong with a pit. She is the best dog. The only thing I recommend and stress is training, training, training. Also go for runs or walks ALOT, they love to run and play. But don't be afraid to step in when they start playing to much. When my dog and I are playing if she even if she does a play bite (doesn't bite hard) all I have to do is say ouch and she lets go. I can't stress it enough training, training, and play.:):):D
I do love the bullbreeds.. great dogs. I have done pitbull rescue in the past, and my favorite dog of all time, Bubba, died about a year and a half ago.. here he is a few days before his death:


Bubba was gamey his entire life. He would be fine around other animals.. and then would kill one. Pitbulls are great dogs, but they should never be left alone with smaller animals, or with young children. They are powerful animals, and that drive that is bred into them can be lethal. I agree completely with lots of training, but also a secure pen for when you are not able to directly supervise your dog.
Nice rednose. Yes I agree, get a kennel for your pit no matter how old it is. My pit goes into to it whenever we don't take her with us. There are lots of people out there that put a bad rep on these dogs, but most of them are very playful and nice. They will practically lick you to death before they will bite you, if they are brought up correctly.
Thanks.. he was a great dog. He chased my cats into my yard when he was a young boy.. about 6 months. He was half starved, afraid of people, water, loud noises, and anything that looked like a gun. He also had some major intestinal problems from being fed gunpowder. A surgery later, he was physically fixed up, but it took a few years for him to overcome his fears. Poor dog was a mess.. but he had a great personality, and I loved him dearly.

Mistreatment of this breed is more common than responsible care, which is a real shame. Any mistreated dog can be mean, but a mean pit bull is a scary thing.
They actually have some special laws that went into effect in one of the cities next to me. Pitbulls are on the list. They require them to be in a fence with a chain when outside at all times. I believe they have to be registered with some group locally. During the last year 5 kids where killed in the city by dogs. I believe pitbulls where four of the attackers. Of course dog fighting and cock fighting are real big around here. It amazes me new legistaltion has never come into effect around here in regards to the fighting.

I personally have never had a problem with these dogs. The few I have been around are quite social and friendly. When you have a head the size of some of these pits it is easy to see how they could hurt you if they wanted too.
^ got it in first shot but I actually wasn't sure between a couple , mostly the cane dorsos

pitpulls are cool but I'm more of a GSD man myself
Most cities classify all of the bull breeds as pit bulls or pit bull type dogs for legislation. In the end, it doesn't matter. The problem comes from irresponsible owners who keep bull breeds. In the wrong hands, these animals are as dangerous as a loaded gun. The days when a pit bull dog was bred to be aggressive towards other dogs and gentle to its owners are long gone; the dogs are produced in back yards in every major city in the nation, and sold to the first person who offers a hundred dollars. Every gangsta looking wannabe kid wants one, and there are plenty whose bitches are producing litters every 6 months to fill that demand. The humane societies and dog shelters are full of them.. and most won't adopt them out. They enter the shelters through the front door and go out the back in plastic bags. If you want to know the truth about the over population problem with these dogs, go talk to the humane society in your town.

Bottom line is.. their notoriety has turned them into the most wanted, most feared, and most destroyed dog breed. Want to do this breed a favor? Adopt one from a local shelter or rescue group. Get it spayed or neutered and allow it to be a breed ambassador. Work with it and complete the CGC program with the AKC. Or, license it to be a therapy dog. There is such a glut of unwanted pit bull type dogs, that anyone who irresponsibly breeds these animals is just sentencing more to death.

I found the "pit bull" in my first glance through those pictures too, but the truth is that any of the dogs pictured would potentially fall under breed specific legislation laws. So, in the end, what difference does it make which of the bull breeds it is?

Ok, off my soap box..
Well pitbulls where not the only dogs under this legislation in my area. Really any of your guard dogs. German shepards, doberman pinchers (sp?)...etc...there where quite a few. I really agree with everything Heika posted.
Punish the deed not the breed. The person is liable for the dog. I would pay the price for damage that my dog did if she did anything, and so should everyone else. I agree with Heika in some parts, but I just think that people that think all bully breeds are deadly and only good for fights or guard dogs is not fully educated with the breeds, or has never really met one. There are so many more dog attacks by smaller dogs or so called designer dogs than actually bully breeds. The only reason they don't get attention is because they don't inflict as much damage. Some smaller dogs are more vicious than most bully breeds (not just talking about pits), because they are held all the time, and on the doggie carying case, doggie carriage, and not a damn lease. It is a dog not a kid, it is a pet and should be treated that way. All dogs need training not just the big ones.....
Well, I think that the fact that smaller dogs inflict less harm is a given. When did you last hear that a laso apso attacked and killed a jogger? The idea is laughable. The reason that pit bulls make the papers is because of the damage inflicted by the way that they bite. If the attacks were as harmless as one inflicted by a miniature poodle, would it even be note worthy? I agree that small dogs are often more aggressive and territorial than pit bulls. I have also always felt that was a stupid argument when defending bull breeds. How does that even factor in? Who cares if a chihuahua bites a person 98 times in its lifetime if it never even breaks the skin? Everyone cares if a pit bull bites a person one time and that person dies from their massive wound.

If 14 year olds all wanted to buy up chihuahuas as status symbols, train them to attack every stranger, and breed them out of control, it wouldn't even make the papers. Who cares? The point is that a pit bull dog has those enormous jaws and hundreds of years of selective breeding telling it to hang on and shake. That same selective breeding has made them gamey and determined. Anyone who has ever worked with a pit bull knows that they simply don't give up, and keeps several breaking sticks around because of it. Those can be admirable traits, but if that focus becomes intent on doing damage to a person, nothing will stop that dog.

There was a time when good pit bull breeders immediately destroyed a dog if it turned on a person. That doesn't happen anymore. There was also a time when a pit bull dog was bred to weigh around 50-60 lbs. Now, with the introduction of weight pulling and status symbol, they can run over a hundred. That is a lot of dog to be pulling off of a person or another animal.

And, don't forget that pit bull dogs often don't "turn on" until they are 2 or 3 years old. So, for the first 2 or 3 years of the dog's life, it is just fine around other dogs and animals. Then, one day, it turns on and kills the cat that it was raised with and "loved." No matter how great they are, and no matter how much you love them, if you seriously think you can trust your dog not to kill, you will be sadly disappointed one day. It is in the nature of the dog. Denying it doesn't change that fact, and no amount of training will take it out of the dog. Only constant adherence to precautionary safety measures prevent disaster, and most people don't see it coming until it happens.

Do I think they make good pets? Not for 99% of people. The last 1% have the time, intelligence, and dedication to keep their dog, other animals, and people safe.

Ok, I really am done this tme..

Hey Heika...

I just got to this thread or I would have responded sooner. I too own a bully breed, Zeus. He was rescued along with around 40 other bullies in Kansas City. Everything that you are saying I have been preaching since even before I got him, and it is very hard to get people to understand this breed and why the have such a bad reputation, being the amazing obedient breed that they are. Zeus Is definately the most obedient dog that I have had the opportunity to train. I'm not sure exactly what he is, but I think that his mom is an Amstaff, and father is probably a chocolate lab. He weighs 90lbs, but by the way that he acts, you would think that he was a small puppy. I am using him as an ambassador for the breed and taking him to as many petstores and parks as possible to show people what kind of dog that they can really be with the proper training. Even though I own a great example of a "correctly raised" bully, I still don't recommend them to people that are concidering this breed unless I know that they want one for the right reasons, and are willing to take the time to correctly raise them. I was very lucky to be able to take him to work with me at a pet store during the first year of his life. He was overly socialized as a puppy, but that is a key factor in raising a dog that can tolerate other people and dogs. I also took him through obedience training at 6 months, taught by a police dog trainer for the Kansas City police department. I originally had planned on finding a home for him when I first picked up him and his brother, but I couldn't put him out in the world not knowing what his future would be like, or how he would be raised. My cousin kept his brother and I kept him. He is 5 1/2 years old now and still an amazing animal. Here are a couple of pictures that I have of him.



I'm glad to see there are pitbull lovers here on the forum...I've raised and and had pitbulls most of my life...I will get another one once my english bulldog passes on...Most of mine have been pure bred Red-nosed, but the next one will be a staffordshire bull terrier...Agreed with the person that quoted, "Punish the deed, not the breed!!!"...


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