Plant Help

Thx. Figured it out. I am new to forums and such. Hard to teach this grandma a new trick!! Thx again
You can add rocks or sand or something similar to the bottom of the pot then add the soil as usual and that should help the plant drain and not flood the roots.
You can add rocks or sand or something similar to the bottom of the pot then add the soil as usual and that should help the plant drain and not flood the roots.
Yea, ik, but i want to put something inbetween the rocks and the soil to make sure they dont mix together, fiberglass screen should work for that right?
You can add rocks or sand or something similar to the bottom of the pot then add the soil as usual and that should help the plant drain and not flood the roots.
Don't use fine sand. It will actually smother the roots faster. Very coarse sand if any. I've even used broken up packing peanuts or crunched up terra cotta pots.
Excuse the clutter and whatnot, but I have a schleffera and simply drilled holes in the PVC bottom that measure the dimensions of my water collection container. I dump the water every two days or so. The schefflera is heavy enough that majority of the water drains towards the middle. Works for me and my carpet lol.
Someone posted a very cool description of a way to flex the plastic cage bottom so the water will drain to one spot. They put a brick where they wanted the depression and carefully heated the plastic up with a torch from underneath. Once the plastic began to sag they let it cool. Then drilled their drain hole at the bottom of the depression.
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