

New Member
I've read the live plant forum, but I haven't noticed any plants with flowers in any of your pictures. What plant are you guys using???
Oh and also, I have a baby cham so I'd need a small plant, not a 6 ft one! hehe Please give me some advice.
I have used hibiscus plants in the past... They have flowers
Oh, I don't want flowers, I just saw that the healthiest plant has the flowers, and I didn't see it on anyones, so I was curious as to which plant u guys r using. Thanx :) How does the baby like the plant? does he eat it?
He doesn't eat it, but I have read that some will eat the leaves right off the plant. He loves the Schleffera, he spends 75% of his time there. I also have a fake plant in there, but he doesn't really like it, and since it is like a silk plant, the water dires off the leaves within minutes, while the schleffera will hold water droplets on the leaves for at least an hour.

It is a good plant for small chams, it has lots of little branches for him to crawl around on, I got mine at Home Depot, it has 3 schlefferas in 1 8" wide pot, it works nicely!
The plant itself is about 16" tall, but with the pot and everything it goes almost to the roof of my 24" tall enclosure.
oh dang... well i can always cut some branches and stuff to make it smaller right? How's the upkeep of it?
You can get smaller or taller ones. The up-keep is easy in my opinion, I only have 1 5.0UVB bulb and a basking bulb, and the plant has lived for well over a month with no problems, I had a few leaves die and fall off, but it is relatively low-maintence, I never water it, I just mist it down really really good.
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