Those that listened to the season five opening episode know that I am putting a podcast theme for 2020 for us to level up our plant keep skills. I call it the Plants Alive! Challenge and invite you to join up if you would like to work on getting better at keeping plants alive. The only thing you need to do to be part of this is pick your plant challenge and post it here. We then will work on it through the year!
If you can’t keep anything alive then make your goal be to keep pothos alive. By the end of the year we’ll do our best to help you become a pothos gardener! If you have pothos down, but have a favorite plant you wish you could keep alive then pick that to focus on. Perhaps your goal could be to get a certain favorite plant to bloom? Whatever it is, post your goal and we will work on it over the year.
To support this I am arranging a podcast episode on basic plant care and since Nepenthes pitcher plants have been, by FAR, the most popular plant choses for people’s goal I am working on bringing on a Nepenthes expert to help with that specifically.
So, that is what this post is about. If this sounds good to you then just post your goal. If you aren’t sure what goal to pick then we can help you select one! Or else, you can just sit back and watch it all happen. We will all learn everyone else’s goals as well. I look forward to being a much better chameleon cage gardener by the end of the year!
Here is the episode where I announce the challenge if you would like to listen in first: