Plants from LLL?


New Member
I had to order some supplies from LLL on Thursday, saw that they had live safe potted plants, 3 for $10. I figured what the heck, it's $10. They will be arriving in a few hours, so we will see... Has anyone recieved plants from them in the past. They have quite a selection.

usally its a hassle...the plants die, or freeze, or theirs dirt everywhere....anyway thats why screameleons stops shipping them
I was in their Escondido store a few week back. The ficus trees that they had in stock were all in great shape (full foliage, green leaves, etc.) The only issue was size. None of them where on the "tall" size. I did not really look or notice any of the other live plants that they carry.
Hi Jay,

after a quick phone call yesterday I found out that the mystery package that is still being sent to me by "ground", is my plant from LLL.

seems that Liddy from KK might not have been able to get me another plant from her nursery, and ordered me the plant from LLL.

I've delt with plants in the mail before, if done right it should not be a mess in the box.

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