Plants - homemade alternative to liquid fertilizer?


Established Member
Hi all, I was looking into ways to give a plant that had a rough time being repotted a boost.

I came across a homemade liquid fertilizer recipe that’s as follows:

Used organic coffee grounds
Soda water

Would anything in this be harmful to chams?

I am assuming the cinnamon is an anti fungal and the coffee has nitrogen and phosphorus that would feed the plant.

What do you guys use for your plants?
Hi all, I was looking into ways to give a plant that had a rough time being repotted a boost.

I came across a homemade liquid fertilizer recipe that’s as follows:

Used organic coffee grounds
Soda water

Would anything in this be harmful to chams?

I am assuming the cinnamon is an anti fungal and the coffee has nitrogen and phosphorus that would feed the plant.

What do you guys use for your plants?
I would not use cinnamon as it has a strong smell nor would I use coffee same issue. Their lungs are quite sensitive. It is why doing things like using cleaning products with odor or burning candles/incense is not advised.

I use this... But for my plants in the cage I actually do how many pumps per pot size in a cup then mix it up with about a half cup water and poor it into the pot.,aps,147&sr=8-22
I'm going to be using a fert called Seagrow. Its exactly the same product as Maxsea, but that no longer exists. Its a fertilizer based off seaweed, and its used by orchid growers & carnivorous plant growers. Considering how sensitive carnivores are to ferts, and that its made from a natural product, should make it very safe for the plants & the chameleon!
I use the frass (poo) from my feeders. I mix it in with water and make a frass tea. I had been breeding my own superworms and mealworms and they made a ton of frass and have saved some silkworms frass too. If you prefer, you can buy cricket frass or worm castings. Check on Amazon for the worm castings - there’s a lot.
Thanks for the input - I’m looking for a way to add nutrient to soil that won’t result in the soil being more dense as I suspect part of the reason for the pothos struggling is the soil needs a drainage layer I didn’t add. I’m going to have to repot it,
I'm going to be using a fert called Seagrow. It’s exactly the same product as Maxsea, but that no longer exists. It’s a fertilizer based off seaweed, and its used by orchid growers & carnivorous plant growers. Considering how sensitive carnivores are to ferts, and that it’s made from a natural product, should make it very safe for the plants & the chameleon!
my aim with wanting a liquid fertilizer is I wanted to add nutrient without making the soil much denser like adding physical matter like worm castings would
Yup, and this Seagrow is a liquid fert! They have 2 variations on how much to add per gallon, and they have it based on the types of plants being grown too. Its pretty generic though for indoor plants which is why I use the half strength. I find using a weak fertilizer not only prevents sensitive plant from fert burn, but fertilizing with weak dosages more frequently helps the plants grow better anyway I find.
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