
Hi all. Is it ok to put a carnivorous plant, the Cape sundew, in an enclosure with a cham? Thanks for the help.
Image result for cape sundew
Oooh good question. As long as the plant itself isn't toxic, I don't see why not. Curious what everyone else will say...
They are very sticky and require constant water, brightttt light, and acidic substrate.They will likely die, safe to the cham technically speaking, but they would get that stuff stuck all over them. If you want some carnivores in your enclosure. Try nepenthes. They do well in sphagnum and should be up close to the lights and mister. They like constant waterings, but also benefit from the water draining, unlike sundews where they sit in bogs. I keep carnivorous plants and use nepenthes pitchers with great success. Some of my absolute favorite plants!
If you can keep it alive, it does a great job at killing gnats and other small critters. However, they have stringent care requirements and are sometimes more pain than they're worth. I can keep them alive outside of cham cages just fine, but find it difficult to acclimate them longterm into my vivaria
If you can keep it alive, it does a great job at killing gnats and other small critters. However, they have stringent care requirements and are sometimes more pain than they're worth. I can keep them alive outside of cham cages just fine, but find it difficult to acclimate them longterm into my vivaria

Would definitely recommend them for outside of the cage!
If you can keep it alive, it does a great job at killing gnats and other small critters. However, they have stringent care requirements and are sometimes more pain than they're worth. I can keep them alive outside of cham cages just fine, but find it difficult to acclimate them longterm into my vivaria
I think I'm going to put one of my baby venus fly traps into the top corner of my enclosure. It seems like I have a family of fruit flies/gnats living in it now.
I have to keep a clear plastic cup upside down over my drosera capensis to keep it healthy in my Cham cage. I water it every day heavy with distilled water. I keep it up top, close to the lights and it does well. If I leave the cup off for a few hours the dew on it starts to dry up.
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