Please give advice on breeding


New Member
Hi guys ! I'm a beginner on chameleons but I currently have 1 ambliobe and tamatave. I am thinking of breeding them. Can you give me some advice on what to do and how old they should start?
Thank you so much :)
After your sure they are of age and healthy. Watch for colors and see if your female is receptive. you tube has some great videos of this. A female that is not receptive will run away turn dark colors and get angry. A receptive female will just stay still and let the head bobbing male approach. This is when it gets interesting
ooh. haha i have seen those videos it is pretty interesting to see haha. Also how would i know if the female is ready to lay eggs? what should i prepare ?
I wouldn't breed either of them until they are a year old...just my preference.

When you are ready to breed them, I would hold the female outside the male's cage so they can both see each other and watch their reactions. If the female hisses, rocks back and forth, gapes, darkens her colors, etc then she is not receptive and should be put back in her cage. If she remains calm then she is likely receptive. If the male doesn't hiss, gape, etc as well you can put the female in the male's cage so they can mate. I still watch them for a few minutes to see if they are okay together. You can leave the female in the cage until she turns non receptive colors or rejects the male (bosses, etc).
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