Please help Finn

And what kind of fruits and veggies do chameleons eat?

My veileds have always liked collard, mustard and kale greens, finely slivered carrot, apple, strawberry, blueberry, grape, pear, banana and most melons. Be sure to give small slivers of fruit and since fruit is sweet don't give it to often. Only some of my panthers would eat fruit and veggies.
When it comes to veiled chameleons you have to make sure his cage is setup properly - a bad cage is just as bad as him not eating / drinking.

Glass is bad in most cases - it's difficult to find a glass cage that is big enough for a veiled, and glass terrariums are difficult to acclimatize to a veiled chameleon's needs. Veileds need ventilation, and the ability to choose between different temperatures to bask in. A screened enclosure that is at least 2x2x4 feet in size is the best option. You do not want to include substrate, like sand, soil, or mulch to the bottom of the cage. You want to have lots of branches and foliage for him to climb in and around.

Crickets are what many feed as staple diets, but flies, locusts, mantids, butter worms, horn worms, silk worms, meal worms are also good, however you want to avoid feeding him just one type of bug. Veggies and fruits are good for hydration, but shouldn't make up most of their diet. Go to this page, it will give you all of the basic information you need to know to keep your chameleon healthy.
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