please help. gravid female... she likes to worry me


New Member
Hello can anyone help. My female veiled chameleons defiantly gravid. She has been diggin in her layin bin two days now but don't think she has layed is this normal? I dida practice hole just to check sand was moist enough really but she doesn seem to be digging holes they look wider than other ones iv seen or is this preference for the cham?

Also after digging she drinks lots and generally wants out of her cage yet hisses if I open the door (this is unlike her she loves humans) is this normal too.
First rule when females dig.. and most important.


It took my female 3 days. and 3 holes to finally lay.
While she is digging I leavethe room but when she is done she drinks.loads and scratches all the cage. Ok so can take time. Thank u
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