Chameleon Enthusiast
Yes, I am aware, but the crotons only seem to be an issue when chameleons eat vegetation. Tricky, being a Jackson chameleon, never eats vegetation. Never bites on the leaves, only drinks water off of them. But after this incident, just to be safe, I am going to look into getting a better plant for him.
I have seen Jacksons take the rare bite out of a plant. So for what's that worth there it is.
I asked if maybe he got bit by a spider due to a few things... it happened at night (when most spider bites happen)...and his behavior.
Your picture is not the greatest, no biggy since perfection is not needed, however he looks downright sick in that picture (only if he should be awake) but I can't tell from the picture if those are sleeping colors. What time was the photo taken at since I want to know if he should be sleeping or if it was at a time he should be wide awake.
Make sure he stays hydrated at the least and check his body over for any visible swellings. If it was not a spider, and if that picture is NOT a picture of him sleeping, then I'd say he ate something he shouldn't.