Hi I have a Veiled Chameleon who's about 5-6 months old. Her diet consist of crickets and meal worms. I water her about 3 times a day. I have a good sized cage with open mesh. Her basking spot is at 89.7 degrees and humidity is at 56%. About a week ago she kept one eye closed and started itching it. Then yesterday they were both fine and I come home today to have one closed and the other one has white film over the whole eye. When I move her she will open up each eye but when I put her back in her cage she just goes under the light, closes one eye and the other one she puts the white film back over it. Please help I can't really afford the vet because i'm in high school with a part time job, but if its the only option i'll take her in a heart beat. I really don't want to lose her because shes a great pet. please help!