Please help~~~WEAK WEAK WEAK

how do you like the way he calls him it it sleeping a pic of it pooping here it is chasing mom round the house but all jokes aside he does need to be looked at asap

Yes but he is from Hong Kong, Your english is real good then lietf001.
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Feeding - small crickets and mealworms; 10 crickets and 3 mealworms. i feeding during morning. it eat normal. it also very willing to eat. every morning go to bottom of the cage to search for food.

How often do you feed him? This diet contains a lot of fat.
Less talk about languages and colonies,more talk about chameleons. Have you taken your cham(s) to the vet yet? Have you get em scheduled yet?
thanks everyone. alot of thanks.

my dude pooped this morning and i took the poop with me to see vet few hours ago. vet said it is obviously unhealth but it is fine. then we test its poop and blood.

we found many parasite from the poop. vet said that's why it doesnt look at fat as it should be. we got some drop call "profender" to drop it on it's arm pit because that spot of skin is the most thinness part of body. so it could absorb it by the body and kill the parasite. vet also said that skin drop would be better then mouth drop. because chameleon will come very stress when you forcing it to open its mouth.

blood test came out with erythrocyte arent enough as it should be as well. so i need to give it more vitamin. and vet suggest me that feed the criskets three day before using them for chameleon so the criskets are in good condition.

exo terra electrod3ize contain D3, potassium, magnesium dextrose and calcium. but i will feed them with calcium powder once a week. it is zoo med product.

for the toe. vet said he had injury before and it heal now so no worry.

vet suggest me that get a big big screen cage for it. the weakness is causing by it just arrive and it stress out by the tank and small size environment. so i am going to build a screen byself asap (like next weekend). now is a big release. i hope it come better in few weeks time.

i need to thanks everyone share their knowlodge to help me out. i will love to share what i learn.

what a geart forum!!!!!! great ppl great forum!!!:D
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