Please HELP! Wounded chameleon

Hello i was letting my chameleon get some sunshine and he escaped his cage and my dogs got a hold of him his back is pretty messed up looks like the spinal area is exposed but intact. There are no vets around me that are open please help!! 😭😭😭
Hey guys i just want to say thank you all for your overwhelming support and help. Unfortunately Shen Ron crossed the rainbow bridge last night in his sleep. It was a great 6 years. Thank you all.
Hey guys i just want to say thank you all for your overwhelming support and help. Unfortunately Shen Ron crossed the rainbow bridge last night in his sleep. It was a great 6 years. Thank you all.
RIP Shen ron :( 6 years is quite a long time for a veiled so I bet you were taking amazing care of him. Reach out if you ever need anything. Shen ron will forever be eating his favorite snacks up in heaven
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