New Member
So I'm a mommy to a new Chameleon. Completely unplanned. Here's the story:
The pet store I usually used for my dog's special food closed down out of the blue. just one day all boarded up, ect. Luckily I didn't run out of food for him, and decided to ask around at work to see if anyone knew where I could purchase it. Finally, someone at work knew at once what I needed, and told me where to go. So today, I set off for the new pet store not too far away from home. I walked in, found the food almost immediately, and I was walking toward the register, a little green thing caught my eye. When I realized what it was, I was shocked. This little Chameleon was by himself, in a tiny tiny tank and a few crickets. No heating lamp, no branch, no plants, nothing. just the Chameleon and crickets. I asked the salesperson if this Chameleon was being changed into a different tank and was just getting ready for the move. Nope, she assured me that that infact was his tank and has been in there for quite a long time. Now, being me, the girl who rescued 8 iguanas from a street fair in those little plastic fish tanks, knew this wasn't right. As I looked at him closer one of his little eyes looked at me. That's it. I had to buy him. I thought I could at least purchase everything he needs and make him comfortable at home. None the less, the salesperson knew nothing of what I needed. Luckily I have past with Reptiles, and picked up a 10 gal tank (which I'm going to change as soon as a our new pet store in town opens with the mesh type of enclosure), a basking lamp & blub, flooring, crickets and a spray bottle. Then as I was about to place all my things on the counter I picked up a pump that makes a mini waterfall in his water dish, since I thought I read somewhere that they don't drink still water? I hope I'm correct. I'm really trying on this little guy, and I hope he makes it. I really need help on what I need for him/her. His left eye seems swollen, I'm pretty nervous about that. Even though he wasn't planned, and he's brand new to me, I love him! I'm not even sure as to what breed he is. Anyone have a clue? And thanks alot to the people who respond.
Note the swollen eye.
(edit) I just searched the gallery, he looks like a Graceful Chameleon?
The pet store I usually used for my dog's special food closed down out of the blue. just one day all boarded up, ect. Luckily I didn't run out of food for him, and decided to ask around at work to see if anyone knew where I could purchase it. Finally, someone at work knew at once what I needed, and told me where to go. So today, I set off for the new pet store not too far away from home. I walked in, found the food almost immediately, and I was walking toward the register, a little green thing caught my eye. When I realized what it was, I was shocked. This little Chameleon was by himself, in a tiny tiny tank and a few crickets. No heating lamp, no branch, no plants, nothing. just the Chameleon and crickets. I asked the salesperson if this Chameleon was being changed into a different tank and was just getting ready for the move. Nope, she assured me that that infact was his tank and has been in there for quite a long time. Now, being me, the girl who rescued 8 iguanas from a street fair in those little plastic fish tanks, knew this wasn't right. As I looked at him closer one of his little eyes looked at me. That's it. I had to buy him. I thought I could at least purchase everything he needs and make him comfortable at home. None the less, the salesperson knew nothing of what I needed. Luckily I have past with Reptiles, and picked up a 10 gal tank (which I'm going to change as soon as a our new pet store in town opens with the mesh type of enclosure), a basking lamp & blub, flooring, crickets and a spray bottle. Then as I was about to place all my things on the counter I picked up a pump that makes a mini waterfall in his water dish, since I thought I read somewhere that they don't drink still water? I hope I'm correct. I'm really trying on this little guy, and I hope he makes it. I really need help on what I need for him/her. His left eye seems swollen, I'm pretty nervous about that. Even though he wasn't planned, and he's brand new to me, I love him! I'm not even sure as to what breed he is. Anyone have a clue? And thanks alot to the people who respond.

Note the swollen eye.
(edit) I just searched the gallery, he looks like a Graceful Chameleon?
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