Hi I'm new to the site and I need some advice regarding my almost 6 month old veiled Chameleon. Lately his colors have been mostly very dull. He has been active so I know hes not sick but a couple months ago he had alot brighter colors most of the time and he was alot less moody so I'm gonna give you my care info and any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Basically, I just need to know if I'm giving him the right care that he needs. I found this info sheet on another thread so let me know if you need any other information.
Chameleon Info:
My Chameleon - 5 Month old,Male,veiled,has been in my care for about 3 months
Handling - Almost every day i try to take him out or let him climb out on his own and let him explore my room or climb on my head.
Feeding - 6-8 Medium sized crickets a day gut loaded with Flukers Orange cube cricket diet
Supplements - ReptoLife Plus 3 times a week
Watering - A Flukers Drip System drops through the top of his cage, the water lands on a long vine with lots of leaves to drink off of.
History - He was very active and less moody the first 2 months that ive had him and is now starting to have very dull colors and does not seem as happy.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 16 by 16 by 30 inch Screen cage
Lighting - One ExoTerra 150 watt Daylight basking spot and one ExoTerra Repti Glo 26 watt Tropical Terrarium Lamp With uvb and uva. both are simply rested on the top of the cage
Temperature - About 91-95 in the Basking spot, 85-87 in all other areas, about 78 at night give or take a few degrees
Humidity - I don't have anything in his cage to measure the humidity but i spray him thoroughly once or twice a day
Plants - lots of fake vines and plant for him to climb on also a wooden branch runs through the middle of his cage for him to bask on
Placement - His cage is located on an entertainment system in my room about 2 feet off the ground (Im not sure if this matters but i almost always keep the fan on in my room)
Location - North Texas
If anyone actually responds to this ill post some pictures
Chameleon Info:
My Chameleon - 5 Month old,Male,veiled,has been in my care for about 3 months
Handling - Almost every day i try to take him out or let him climb out on his own and let him explore my room or climb on my head.
Feeding - 6-8 Medium sized crickets a day gut loaded with Flukers Orange cube cricket diet
Supplements - ReptoLife Plus 3 times a week
Watering - A Flukers Drip System drops through the top of his cage, the water lands on a long vine with lots of leaves to drink off of.
History - He was very active and less moody the first 2 months that ive had him and is now starting to have very dull colors and does not seem as happy.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 16 by 16 by 30 inch Screen cage
Lighting - One ExoTerra 150 watt Daylight basking spot and one ExoTerra Repti Glo 26 watt Tropical Terrarium Lamp With uvb and uva. both are simply rested on the top of the cage
Temperature - About 91-95 in the Basking spot, 85-87 in all other areas, about 78 at night give or take a few degrees
Humidity - I don't have anything in his cage to measure the humidity but i spray him thoroughly once or twice a day
Plants - lots of fake vines and plant for him to climb on also a wooden branch runs through the middle of his cage for him to bask on
Placement - His cage is located on an entertainment system in my room about 2 feet off the ground (Im not sure if this matters but i almost always keep the fan on in my room)
Location - North Texas
If anyone actually responds to this ill post some pictures